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  1. T

    Who else here is over 30 and a virgin?

    I have 2 male friends who are mid thirties and virgins. They both probably make close to or over 6 figures. Honestly had i not met a buddy at 19 who showed me how to talk to women i would most likely b in the same crowd. I work with only men and never had any large social circles. When thats...
  2. T

    How much influence should your parents have in your life

    They raised me to take their anger out on or ignore. At my age i dont have to listen to their opinions i already know them. I am cordial and we see eachother but its mostly for other family reasons. They want to have a relationship because explaining that they havent talked to their son for 5...
  3. T

    How much influence should your parents have in your life

    My parents have no influence over what i do with my life. Neither of them are christian neither are my sisters. Also i have had different fallings out with both of them over the years not talking 1-3 years. They have never back pedaled their views either dont care or know whats best for me. If...
  4. T

    Fear of marriage

    My fear would b of signing a govt contract marriage which i will not do again. Not loosing my entire net worth for the second time is high above pet peeves.
  5. T

    Does it matter how tall a person is

    I prefer taller women 5'6"-6'0". Im 6'3" and while short girls are cute the avg american woman is 5'3" thats 1' shorter than me and its too much. Taller women have long legs and larger proportions i like and i dont like being 2 or even 3x someones size its creepy.
  6. T

    One last blow

    Consider yourself lucky you have joint custody and no CS and move on. I have almost joint custody and pay the same as a man who never sees his kid. Many states you can have joint custody and pay the same amount as someone who never has their kid. I had joint custody 2 years and lost custody for...
  7. T

    Approaching Matriarchal Society

    We are not approaching a matriarchal society we are far past. Women have been the majority of college degrees since 1983 this is nearly 40years. If a woman calls the police because she is angry with you they will arrest you and find out the facts later. Months later. They are 2/3 of new car and...
  8. T


    I completely agree with you it sounded insane however when you research it you find a absolute mountain of lies protecting it. You can take the bible as total truth not half truth the firmament is real nasa lies on every video when you see how they do it you can watch the news and see they are...