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  1. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    Irenaeus and Epiphanius, referring to Papias, spread the legend of the Hebrew original of the gospel of St. Matthew. But from Papias report it is not entirely clear whether it is really about the Hebrew original of the same Gospel that we know as "Matthew." After all, the canonical Matthew has a...
  2. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    The Ebionites could have possessed the Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew, but this does not necessarily mean that it was the original text, because it could be a translation from Greek.
  3. JChesney

    Should a Christian tithe, what does the Bible say

    at the stage of life of the primitive church, which is told in the first chapters of the book of Acts, it is not about the tithes, there is another phenomenon: refusal of own property in favor of the community. Ananias and Sapphira wanted to take part in the life of the Jerusalem community and...
  4. JChesney

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Frankly, I do not have a definite idea about this. It is known that different Jewish sects of that period had different calendars and could also shift the day of the celebration of Easter the day before. With all these features it is difficult to judge what day of the week was the day of the...
  5. JChesney

    Three Days and Three Nights

    this is the most traditional opinion. Sunday is the first day of the week when Christ was risen.
  6. JChesney

    Should a Christian tithe, what does the Bible say

    In the scriptures there is a law on tithing, and it concerns the Jewish temple cult, needy people and Levites - ministers of the Jewish cult. The tithe for the temple was considered sacred. As you know the Temple now is not. In the modern synagogue the tithe it is possible to contribute to the...
  7. JChesney

    We know Jesus is not Jehovah/YHVH

    Yes it is. According to the teaching of the Church, although the Father, the Son and the Spirit are one, but they are not amounts to the same thing. The Son is not the Father, and the Father is not the Son. The identification of the Father that He is the Son (the negation of the difference...
  8. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    I agree with you, it is appropriate to clarify that placement of verses 34-35 in different parts of the text (after verse 33 and after 40) says that in the early stages of the manuscript tradition these verses were interpolated into the text, and the scribes put the insert spontaneously. The...
  9. JChesney

    Should a Christian tithe, what does the Bible say

    All the commandments concerning tithes in the Bible are in the Torah, in the Old Testament. These commandments were related to the payment of tithes to God, the Jews brought it to the priests of the Τemple. Before the destruction of the Temple in the year 70, the followers of the apostles in...
  10. JChesney

    Three Days and Three Nights

    There is such an interpretation based on the Demonstration XVII:10 of Aphrahat : And on that day a great prodigy happened. namely, that the light became dark in the middle of the day, as Zechariah prophesied, saying:-The day shall be known unto the Lord. It shall not be daytime, and it shall...
  11. JChesney

    Three Days and Three Nights

    you are wrong. In the first century there was not formed Canon OT, the Jews and early Christians did not have exact boundaries regarding the set of books, which are canonical and which are not. And the early Christians used the literature, which was later referred to the Apocrypha. This concerns...
  12. JChesney

    Three Days and Three Nights

    The first book of Enoch says that 200 Watchers (angels) descended to earth and took wives (in the book of Genesis they are called sons of God). Then in the book of Enoch it is said that these 200 spirits should be taken into custody. CHAPTER XII. 1. Before these things Enoch was hidden, and no...
  13. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    most likely he hesitated where he must placed 34-35, - here or after 40 v.
  14. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    In other words, this does not necessarily mean that the scribe knew the manuscripts without these verses at all.
  15. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    at the link was said "Payne based some of his beliefs about these texts being an interpolation on the work of J. Edward Miller who had posited that various umlauts (distigmai) might have been an indication of scribal uncertainty concerning the authenticity of these passages." Yes, it is. In ms...
  16. JChesney

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    In modern biblical academic science, it is noted that women in the beginning church had an important role. Regarding the epistles of the Apostle Paul, in modern academic studies it is considered that of the known epistles Paul owns 7 letters, and the letters to Timothy are not among the...
  17. JChesney

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    The Bible does not cover events related to the death of Mary, therefore it will not be correct to say whether the teaching of traditional churches in this subject inline with the Bible or not inline. It is not built on the Bible, but it may be not contrary to the Bible, so it will be more...
  18. JChesney

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Lying is a relative thing. Like the contradiction to the Bible. What in your eyes contradicts to the Bible, for the Catholic does not represent a contradiction.
  19. JChesney

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    In regard to the veneration of saints in churches with an ancient tradition, you exaggerate. In these ancient confessions there are can be found ignorant people, as elsewhere, but the doctrine of the Church about the saints is not that they are executors of prayers, but that they are called by...
  20. JChesney

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Orthodox and Catholics are turning not only to Mary, but are turning to many of the saints who are also "receive" requests for intercession by millions of believers. And this is also not in the Bible. Cults of Mary and saints developed in the medieval church, from the 5th-6th centuries a custom...