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  1. Dan58

    The bible summed up in a single sentence

    Or one word...... "love"
  2. Dan58

    Can a man love ONLY ONE woman?

    Yes, its possible.... But its also possible to love more than one.
  3. Dan58

    Trinity, lets make sense of it

    Imo, the trinity or tri-unity just describes the 3 attributes of a single Godhead, the 3 work and have always existed as one entity. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Here, Elohiym is the plural form of God. Therefore, as scripture was inspired and man began...
  4. Dan58

    Difference between "normal sinners" and "toxic people" ?

    To me, normal sinners (most of us) are people with a conscience. We all screw-up, but usually try to do better. A toxic sinner is one who is deliberate, they have no conscience or desire to correct themselves, they selfishly don't care who they offend. With toxic people, its best to use...
  5. Dan58

    Question(s) about Acts 20:28

    Acts 20:28 works, but there are also many other verses that proclaim likewise; John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of...
  6. Dan58

    Our Words

    Chapter & verse? What if people are wrong? (Matthew 23)
  7. Dan58

    What does "Jesus is Lord" mean? What does it mean that Jesus is Lord?

    He created the world and everything in it, but He did not create sin..
  8. Dan58

    Festive Satanic statue added to Illinois statehouse

    They have no holiday, their only objective is to destroy ours, and the state of IL shouldn't allow it.. And the knowledge of evil is not the greatest gift, the nativity display promotes the greatest gift ever given to mankind.
  9. Dan58

    Is God that cruel?

    Any good parent would try to correct their son, just as God has patiently tried to do with His children for thousands of years. A parent might also try to cover for their son's wrongdoing by paying for what he did wrong, just as Christ paid for our shortcomings. But where there is no remorse...
  10. Dan58

    Bible Really Does Not Say....

    Since they weren't born, an umbilical cord wasn't necessary, so I'd guess "no". Its kind of like; What came first, the chicken or the egg? It had to be the chicken.
  11. Dan58

    Am I wrong!?!

    Probably not.
  12. Dan58

    I think I am attracted to females a bit

    It depends on whether you think about her sexually or just admire her as a friend? You might just be more comfortable around females and relate more closely to them. Nothing wrong with admiration or even loving her like a sister, but if its a physical yearning to be with her, you may be gay or...
  13. Dan58

    Am I wrong!?!

    Your right and wrong :)... We are saved by grace through our faith in Christ.. But its possible for a person to be a hypocrite and deliberately sin, so we can fall from his grace (Hebrews 10:26).. In other words, OSAS does not green light sin, you can't go out and start robbing banks and killing...
  14. Dan58


    Obedience to the law still applies; "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me" (John 14:21). What is no longer applicable is the curse of the law, e.g; We don't stone someone for committing adultery. But discipline to his word is how we demonstrate our faith.
  15. Dan58

    depression advice

    Ibuprofen isn't an anti-depressant, its for physical pain, just like acetaminophen.. When your feeling hopeless and unmotivated, don't dwell on what's wrong, focus on what you want to achieve and force yourself forward. People often get into a negative pattern of thinking that gets them down...
  16. Dan58

    Why are Christians the least loyal friends?

    "Birds of a feather flock together"... Perhaps its just hard to be good friends with someone you don't have much in common with? What do you require? Often times a person desiring loyalty can overwhelm others with their needs.
  17. Dan58

    Does it Have to Get Even Worse!?!

    I doubt anyone will be exempt from tribulation.. "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." (Revelation 13:7)
  18. Dan58

    Does it Have to Get Even Worse!?!

    I use to think His return was imminent, but now doubt it will occur in my lifetime. Jesus said; "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21).. We haven't seen this tribulation, in fact, things have...
  19. Dan58

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    I personally don't believe the flood was world-wide in scope. Often, when the bible says "all the earth", its doesn't mean global, but is referring to a specific area affected by what's being described. The deluge was huge, but imo limited to the wickedness which infected the descendants of...
  20. Dan58

    Need help, wife has lost interest

    Doesn't sound like your "wife" was ready for marriage or able to commit. You wrote "throughout my struggles she has shown me the love of Christ ". News flash, committing adultery is not showing you the love of Christ.. And her complaint of being bored or unsatisfied is no excuse to cheat. And if...