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  1. Dan58

    How do we have a sexual counter-revolution in the church

    Many churches are pounding the fact that we are saved through grace, not works.. Whereby, discipline to the word is not required, grace over-rides sin and fornication is green lighted, or at least not frowned upon as it once was. Everything is okay when your saved by grace, obedience to the...
  2. Dan58

    Why original sin is UNSCRIPTURAL

    We are born in sin, but we aren't born sinners.. Babies are innocent, they've broken no law.. So in my opinion, God does not hold babies accountable for something they're not conscience of.
  3. Dan58

    Predestination or free wiil.

    John 3:16, "Whosoever believeth in him should not perish".. That's a choice that everyone freely chooses to accept or reject. While its true that God is omniscient (all knowing), its also true that God is omnipotent (all powerful). So in that sense, what might have been known by God can also be...
  4. Dan58

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I went to see my Imam for some domestic counseling on marital discord. He gave me a bucket of rocks!!. Seems a little backward--but--Very Effective!! A young Muslim kid can't find his mother in the supermarket. The store attendant says 'What does your mother look like? The kid says "How the...
  5. Dan58


    I think Paul is just saying that a preacher is just more effective if he is unhindered with a wife or family. Paul himself could not have traveled and spread the gospel if he had a wife or kids to take care of at home. An itinerant preacher had to hit the road, and could better fully commit...
  6. Dan58


    It is going to happen to you, and to all of us sooner or later. What's unsettling is when it happens to someone so young, because we all tend to presume we'll live into our 80's or 90's. Jesus prayed: "Give us this day", and sometimes we take each day for granted. Don't let something you can't...
  7. Dan58

    Free will is an unbiblical concept

    If every person is not given free will, then Christ died in vain.. John 3:16; "whosoever believeth" denotes free choice, and if we're given the mental faculty to make a choice, we have free will. Jesus said "nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42). Free will does not negate...
  8. Dan58

    Does God love all mankind and does He wish to save everyone

    God did what was necessary to save everyone, so in that sense, yes its God's desire that everyone comes to repentance. But its also made clear that God loves those who love Him; "I love them that love me" (Proverbs 8:17). God succeeded, but love is not something He forces. Any failure is on the...
  9. Dan58

    What does the bible say about divorce?

    I kinda doubt that.. His lack of intimacy is probably a symptom of something else, and not guilt or remorse. Or it could be serious depression, you really don't know until someone blows their brains out. But definitely, whether its real or self-pity, its a cry for help. Sometimes when...
  10. Dan58


    Divine intervention isn't subject to anything... Everything is subject to God, including natural laws, but I don't personally think God intervenes very much in the natural order of things, not yet anyhow.
  11. Dan58

    Concerned teen daughter's sexuality

    That wasn't the point at all.. It was simply that girls go through phases when trying to find themselves, whereby dressing in masculine cloths and wearing combat boots doesn't necessarily equate to lesbian. Odds are, a 15 year old will grow out it, just as Madonna ain't a tomboy anymore;
  12. Dan58


    I agree, purgatory is a Catholic invention. There's no need for penance, your either in or your out.
  13. Dan58

    Showing Mercy

    We probably all feel that if we can do whatever we want without conflict, everything is fine.. But life just doesn't work like that does it? There are repercussions to everything we do and say. Since your not on his list of priorities, perhaps you ought to consider taking him off of your list of...
  14. Dan58

    what does receive mean?

    It just means that you've accepted something and are in possession of it... In regards to faith, I believe that's something that's demonstrated, not received.. Grace is a gift we receive by faith. jmo
  15. Dan58


    How could your friend possibly know that? Atheist usually want facts, and one fact is, they can't disprove God's existence.
  16. Dan58

    Concerned teen daughter's sexuality

    Madonna Fashions Fade, but Style is Forever
  17. Dan58

    Does Joseph = Imhotep?

    I kinda doubt they were the same person: Imhotep, Greek Imouthes, (born 27th century bce, Memphis, Egypt), vizier, sage, architect, astrologer, and chief minister to Djoser (reigned 2630–2611 bce), the second king of Egypt’s third dynasty, who was later worshipped as the god of medicine in Egypt...
  18. Dan58

    Concerned teen daughter's sexuality

    If she said she not gay, then she's probably just going through a phase, trying to find herself, looking for attention, being rebellious, or just wants to stand out and not be like everyone else? Don't worry about it until there's something to worry about. And if she does turn lesbian, I reckon...
  19. Dan58

    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    The definition "disregard in contrast to preferential treatment" could be comparable to "love less".. Both mean to keep others and yourself beneath the importance you assign to God. And logically speaking, in Matthew 15:4 Jesus quoted the 5th commandment (honor your parents), so I'm certain he...
  20. Dan58

    The Punctuation of Luke 23:43

    Actually, when you consider that time ends when you die, perhaps the malefactor was spiritually awaken in paradise not knowing what day it was? If "today" is your last day on earth, there ain't no tomorrow, you just continue to exist from the day you physically perished.