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  1. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    You are not addressing my posts in a way that can allow us to come to any real conclusions. I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry Jesus simply stated that if you really believe and that would mean you would keep his word, that you would not die. I'm assuming that you don't see...
  2. C

    A Place For Christ

    If you sin, the devil is your master. Jesus said that and there is no way around it. Everyone dies a sinner. Save 2. Everyone needs a Savior. No one is saved. Some are told about Jesus and believe it but continue to sin. What gets me is, people stuck on this planet with it's horrible...
  3. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    You have been given great understanding. And I have learned from it. Thank you too. Preach it!
  4. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    John 8 24 Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. This is the verse they were referring too. It is the same. And they heard Him say it before: John 6 50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one...
  5. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    Enoch and Elijah did not taste death. Only 2. So it is also symbolic. One worth noting. Good post.
  6. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    I have read the Book of John more than other Book in the Bible. It is my favorite Book. Yes I have read the verse you reference countless times. Only I understand it for what it says. Yes you must believe. I never said a non believer isn't saved. Where we differ in interpretations is you...
  7. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    Im not a universalist. I don't smoke a pipe. I do however don't ignore the first sentence to make the second confirm to my theology. Jesus said HE does not judge Him. Your theology, or understanding says He doesn't then He does. How do you justify that as anything but a contradiction in the...
  8. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    It would mean billions and billions of people would go into eternal suffering. I have done and seen some pretty bad things in my life. But for the Love of God I can not imagine a soul that can say 90%+ of all men ever born are destined to eternal suffering and seriously be ok with it. Have...
  9. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    Wow. Im sure they will just be diving in like they are at a local plunge. If that we the case, and it is not, nobody will choose to go into a lake a fire. They will be thrown in by their father. Their maker. Who must have made a mistake. Because everyone is only whatever the maker makes them...
  10. C

    What did Jesus mean when He said...

    Narrow is the way that never tastes death. Only a few find it. If you keep my commands, you will never taste death. <Jesus said that. Only few have. Enoch and Elijah To think only a few actually escape the lake of fire.... that is a horrible ending to a story written by a loving God. Absolutely...
  11. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    Haha? The joke is on you. You should really re read what I wrote and think about it. You are completely embarrassing yourself. I feel bad for you and your lack of understanding what you read. If it wasn't really really off it might be funny. Seriously. I will pray for you.
  12. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    Not for the fun of it. He never had much fun while here. Place is invested with evil spirits and fallen angels. Have you ever read a passage that says, and Jesus laughed? And Jesus smiled? And Jesus took time to play? I do think it was a powerful meaningful experience though. So much so...
  13. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    Ironic, that is exactly what I did when God took over my life. Changed from the NIV to KJV. Started preaching Salvation for mankind instead of the horrible damnation. And wow, what a difference it has made. Knowing God really is about love and not hate as previously taught. It opened the...
  14. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    You obviously are not paying attention. If you have read through all the posts you would have noticed that I do not preach salvation through works. Nobody earns salvation. Nobody earns faith.
  15. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    I can. Because it has been revealed to me. And I have been chosen, as were the disciples to preach the "Good News" as it was simply preached in the beginning. There is no line. God not G-d
  16. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    You again ignore the verse that says, "No one comes to me unless first called by the Father." No one is truly saved while on a Earth that is ruled by the devil. Few are chosen and not to be saved. They are chosen to do Gods work. Yet they are left to battle evil also for it is the lesson. And...
  17. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    The Book of life was written and sealed since the beginning. The end is known. It was known before the Creation.
  18. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    He went as a non sinner to be Baptized. practicing sinners are not Baptizable. Or it would have been written like this. Be Baptzied so the Holy Spirit can bless you and lead you to repentance. They were very well trained scholars in their dialects. They wrote it correctly. Repent first...
  19. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    Jesus didn't need to repent for He never sinned. Fact Jesus didn't need to be forgiven. Fact Jesus was Baptized. Fact I think it is symbolic. I don't think it is only symbolic. I think it was necessary. That Jesus be Baptized. And he was Baptized by a man born for that purpose. The one...
  20. C

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    No, of course He didn't. That qualifies Him to be Baptized. Whether you never sin or repent and stop sinning are the only way a Baptism will be genuine. You and everyone there will know too. Because God will very loudly confirm it from the sky. "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased."...