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  1. Crustyone

    In the Beginning... GOD part 3

    I am glad to see that you have accepted Yeshua as your Lord, the Messiah and Saviour of the world and can thereby show your Jewish brothers and sisters why they need to accept him as their Messiah. I hope I phrased that correctly.
  2. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    Repent only means to be sorry for the sins you committed and that you don't want to do them again. Our flesh is at war with our spirit self and sometimes wins as it did with Paul or he would not write about his continued sinning in Romans 7 14-25 14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am...
  3. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    There are 19 verses in the NIV that tell us that God hates sin and sinners. Proverbs 6:16-19 in particular tells us that he hates the people, not just the sins. He can do this because he knows who will change before they die and we don't.
  4. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    I just reread Chuckiez2's post and I see where he gets it from, but he also thinks everyone will be saved when Jesus returns because he supposedly loves everyone, which of course is nonsense. Neither God nor Jesus will save those God hates.
  5. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    UnderGrace, I think Chuckiez2 is just confused by what he is reading or reading too much into it.
  6. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    I tried to find everything that the bible mentions about baptism and I have found only three things that are necessary to be baptized. 1. Repent of sins Acts 2:38, 19:4 (38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your...
  7. Crustyone

    Is baptism required for salvation?

    A catch 22 is needing to do or have "A" done before "B", but "B" needs to be done before "A" can be done and vice-versa.
  8. Crustyone

    Where do believers go after death?

    It seems to me like you are reaching. Of course he wouldn't always use parables when talking to outsiders, but those that he didn't use parables for would be the outsiders who he knew would be saved. Those who wouldn't be would not be spoken to in other than parables. If some that were to be...
  9. Crustyone

    Where do believers go after death?

    Mark proves this is a parable when Jesus tell his disciples in Mark 4:11 (He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables). (From the NIV) Just before the parable of Lazarus Jesus told another parable which the...
  10. Crustyone

    Where do believers go after death?

    Jesus did not promise that the thief would walk with him in paradise, only that the thief would be with him in paradise. If they are both in Heaven then the thief is with him. When the bible tells of us lying in bed during death, some Jewish versions say that we will be lying on a couch. I...
  11. Crustyone

    Where do believers go after death?

    Psalms 146:4 says that our spirit departs. In the previous post, the spirit returning to God is in Ecclesiastes 12:7. Finally Daniel 12:13 tells Daniel to rest until the end of days when he will rise. In many versions, but not the NIV, Isaiah 57:2 says that those who are righteous are...
  12. Crustyone

    Where do believers go after death?

    The bible says that God takes our spirits up to be with him and since the New Jerusalem is there and Jesus went before us to prepare rooms for us, it makes sense to me that we are going into our rooms in New Jerusalem to wait out the thousand years.
  13. Crustyone

    Mayo Clinic not such a nice place
  14. Crustyone

    Should a Christian tithe, what does the Bible say

    I agree with almost all you say, except for the pastors knowing more than anyone here. Some may and some may not and some may have a gift of understanding or not. People here can have the same, or better knowledge and some may have the same or better understanding.
  15. Crustyone

    Should a Christian tithe, what does the Bible say

    Everything we receive is God's to begin with and we are only asked to give back what we feel compelled to in our hearts. If you want to give 10% good if you don't want to, also good. Will you do more for God with that money than someone else that you give it to? If you want to give 10% to...
  16. Crustyone


    You are right in loving all. We don't know who will be saved or not, so loving all prevents us from hating a future brother or sister. Why would you want to tell another that they do not deserve salvation? Some don't, but as you say, it isn't up to us to judge. I'm sorry you have had such a...
  17. Crustyone

    As tensions with Trump deepen, Europe wonders if America is lost for good.

    I am sorry that you fear Trump. He is not a warmonger as you seem to think. He knows that there is peace though strength and putting the US first is his way of strengthening the US, not isolating the US. In the past our leaders have been assuming that we had the resources to help everyone to...
  18. Crustyone

    What do you think of men on this forum preaching about "the woman's role?"

    God wouldn't stop you. You have free will to do right or wrong on your own.
  19. Crustyone

    How long until the End?

    Jesus is supposed to return after a blood moon. Celestial occurrences are only mentioned if they occur over Israel. There will be a blood moon over Israel on July 27, 2018 and December 20, 2029. If Jesus returns, say seven years after one of these then there will still be one thousand years...
  20. Crustyone

    Predestination or free will?

    The post by shrume was in post #17. Sorry to mess up your name shrume.