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  1. Crustyone

    Web page tells why Aspartame is bad stuff

    This web page tells why and how the FDA OK's Aspartame, even though it is dangerous.
  2. Crustyone

    Aspartame, webpage tells why it is bad stuff

    This web page tells how and why Aspartame is OK'd by the FDA, even though it is dangerous.
  3. Crustyone

    Space x going to Iss on 18 of July

    I've been following Space X launches and just found a puzzling situation that they have scheduled for themselves. Since they have started up launches again, they have apparantly been trying to launch once a month without success. I just noticed in a launch schedule at Launch Schedule –...
  4. Crustyone

    How are we blessing our meals?

    I could probably find, or come to some conclusion about, this on my own, but I would feel better about it if more knowledgeable people than me could tell me an answer. The question: When we ask the Lords blessing on our food, are we asking Him to bless it so that it will not harm us...
  5. Crustyone

    Where did Elijah go?

    I keep hearing that Elijah was taken to Heaven, (2 Kings 2;11 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.), but Jesus said, (John 3:13 No one has ever gone...
  6. Crustyone

    Who or what are the powers in Heaven that God will punish in Isaiah 24:21?

    It seems like Isaiah is talking about the end times and the earths destruction, yet God is supposed to punish the powers in heaven in NIV, or in Gods Word translation he will punish the armies in heaven. What armies can they be talking about? I understood that Satan was thrown out with his...
  7. Crustyone

    Thoughts on Daniel 11

    I have been reading a site that says that the North is Iran and Russia(the iron and clay feet) and the South is Saudi Arabia. We are now living in the time of verse 24, according to End Time Signs - ISIS, Iran, Russia + more in Bible prophecy today and the next event to occur is an attack from...
  8. Crustyone

    Spacex delay

    For being such a great company, Spacex sure does postpone their launches a lot. This time it is to give them a 10% better chance of a successful landing of their first stage back at the cape. It's mostly weather this time, but it seems like most of them are postponed because of equipment problems.
  9. Crustyone

    In Jesus name?

    I often hear pastors add "in Jesus name" at the end of their prayers before the Amen. I understand the reasoning for this comes from John 14:13-14, John 15;16 and John 16:23 where Jesus tells the disciples to ask for anything in His name and it will be done. I have two questions about this...
  10. Crustyone

    Just started listening to Dennis Prager

    What a nice change of pace. Mr. Prager puts a nice Christian perspective on every subject and doesn't put up with fools for long, but he does try to bring them to their senses. He sounds like a real solid Christian talk show host.
  11. Crustyone

    Drought will get worse

    I just viewed a website that told the real reason for the drought(upper winds being allowed to go further north) and it's not a problem caused by us. The site is actually an advertising site, but along with telling people the reason for the drought, it is telling people how to grow...
  12. Crustyone

    When is Ezekiel 47?

    Prior chapters of Ezkiel, from 40 up to 46 seem to be describing a temple that was built prior to Jesus time. However, chapter 47 seems to be a future temple in that the waters flowing from it are like the living water mentioned in Revelation. I only say that because it says that wherever this...
  13. Crustyone

    Forgiven and Forgotten sins, always?

    I know that the scriptures tell us that the sins that we committed before we were saved are forgiven and forgotten, but what about the sins after our salvation? Are they only forgiven or are they forgotten also?
  14. Crustyone

    flower photography only

    two Roses in my yarda cactus flower that blooms at nighta Day Lillie
  15. Crustyone

    Alzheimer's treatment alternatives

    My sister has Alzheimer's. It started shortly after she got a Chromium implant in her arm which always produced what I believe was a low grade infection, due to the constant warmth in the area. I have since read that some people are allergic to Chromium and also that chronic infections can be...
  16. Crustyone

    Topical treatment for bacterial infections

    If in a remote location with a wound that is, or is getting, infected, a simple remedy is sugar or honey. Bacteria cannot live in a sugar rich environment. If any of you have heard of him, Dr. Julian Whitaker, who runs a clinic in California, uses this method to stop "unstoppable" infections...