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  1. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Thank you for your good points, however, I believe that you have some mixed up. Want to try again? I will write what I believe with scriptures after others have a try, if they do.
  2. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Ok, here we go. The four living creatures, symbolic of Christ`s 4 ministries. (Rev. 4: 7) What are they? `like a Lion` - `like a calf` - `like a man` - `like an eagle` -
  3. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I did do `6,` for Jobab.
  4. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Thanks CV5, I`ll look it up.
  5. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    So is it Job or Jobab? Are you saying they are the same? (Gen. 10: 21 - 29) (6 generations) If it is Job of the book of Job I think he was an example of godly men before Abraham. (Noah) - Shem - Arphaxed - Cainan - Shelah - Eber - Peleg - Reu - Serug - Nahor - Terah - Abraham. (Luke 3: 34 -...
  6. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Thank you cv5, To me it seems the parallels are just `pick and choose.` And yes I realize you can`t do it all here. So, I`ll just leave it there, but thank you again for your thoughts.
  7. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Thank you cv5, I can accept that Joshua as commander of the Israelis army is a type of the Lord as commander of His angelic army. However, the 2 witnesses do not go in secretly in Rev. 11: 3. They are to witness of the Lord as Israel`s Messiah and coming soon to set up His kingdom. So...
  8. Marilyn

    I`d Rather have Jesus.....

  9. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I believe there are types and symbols to do with the Lord but not other things. So, can you explain, show what you believe, please?
  10. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    The 5 kings of Midian - Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba. Balaam also was with them when they were killed.
  11. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I don`t believe we can have such parallels.
  12. Marilyn

    What is the point in being a prophet?

    Being a Prophet one is called to encourage, build up and exhort the Body of Christ. (Eph. 4: 12) It is also of Jesus. `For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy.` (Rev. 19: 10)
  13. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I would say they were Jacob and Rachael, his parents.
  14. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Well done, Lafftur, All right. Great to see more of the Lord`s names and purposes being unfolded. Your turn to pose a question.
  15. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    What name did Rachael call her last child, and what name did Jacob call him? Also, how does that relate to the Lord?
  16. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I`m heading off for a couple of days so I will ask the next question. What name did Rachael call her last child, and what name did Jacob call him? Also, how does that relate to the Lord?
  17. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Yes, Dinah, the daughter of Leah.
  18. Marilyn

    Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord

    Well, the Gentiles were NOT promised that God would rule through them. That is what God promised Israel. And the fulfillment of that is called the Kingdom (rule) of heaven. (Dan. 2: 44, 7: 27) That is why it is only written as the `Kingdom of heaven,` in Matthew, who brings out the Kingship of...
  19. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Yes, Lafftur, you are spot on. Very good. I expect these men thought, "Wow, this man is like a Prophet and can multiply food for us." So, it`s your turn now to ask a question.
  20. Marilyn

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    So, I think I need to give the next trivia question. Now, we know that the multitude before the Passover came out with Palm branches to welcome `the King of Israel.` (John 12: 12 & 13) He would then be their Political leader. And that Satan wanted Jesus to worship him and thus Jesus would be...