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  1. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    Yes, they should have gone to all nations however - `and when James, Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship and that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. ` (Gal. 2: 9)
  2. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The word Lamb with a capital, refers to Israel`s sacrifice of the Passover. We, in the Body of Christ know Jesus as the lamb who was slain, but we did not have sacrifices as Israel did.
  3. Marilyn

    Stars, Dust & Sand

    I was taught and believe a bit differently. The `stars of heaven,` refers to some in Israel (OT saints) who looked for a city, (Heb. 11: 16, in the Universal realm). The stars are prominent but not predominant in heaven. The Body of Christ is the predominant rule in the third heaven on...
  4. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The 12 were to witness to Israel, the other Apostles were given after the Lord`s ascension and are for the Body of Christ to help bring them to maturity in Christ.
  5. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The Apostles I grew up with, (they call them Ps. as well) Apostle Rowe, Apostle Gardiner, Apostle Hewitt, Apostle McCabe, and others who came from England, Scotland and Wales. If you went to an Apostolic Church, (origin from Wales & not the NAR) you would see present day Apostles. Of course...
  6. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The Acts 1: 21 & 22 qualifications were ONLY for the 12 Apostles of the Lamb, (for Israel). They were to witness to Israel of the Lord and Christ. (Acts 2; 36) The other Apostles were given when Christ ascended to the Father and are for the building up of the Body of Christ. The 5 fold...
  7. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    I agree that the NAR is false.
  8. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The 12 Apostles were appointed BEFORE Christ died. They had to be witnesses of His life, death, resurrection and ascension. (Acts 1: 21 & 22) They were to witness of Christ to Israel as Lord and Messiah. (Acts 2: 36) The Apostles AFTER Christ ascended were for the Body of Christ. (Eph. 4: 10 -...
  9. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    I believe God`s word and I know those I grew up with. Many have passed on, but there are many out there all over the world - in the back blocks, in the trenches, with the believers in everyday life, like Paul, Silvanus and Timothy.
  10. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    I was brought up with them and taught of them. And there are still Apostles and prophets today out in the field not swanning it around on utube.
  11. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    No, I don`t think the false ones people see are true. To only have those 3 ministries leads to wrong leadership - democracy, congregational, etc types. That is why men gather around them people and they set themselves up as the leader. With the 5-fold ministries each have a part and contribute...
  12. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    The 5 fold ministries are actually the person themselves. `He Himself gave some to be ....` I grew up with these 5 fold ministries and saw the life of Christ in them. They are not CEO`s of organizations but show the very character of Christ.
  13. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    So wattie, does that mean that Christ`s 5 fold ministries, which are HIMSELF are no longer needed? Does not the Head of His Body flow through the Body empowering these ministries for the equipping and perfecting of the Body?
  14. Marilyn

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    However, the Holy Spirit does bring people together whether 2`s or `3`s etc despite man trying to organize God`s people. We should never measure what the Lord is doing by man`s public meetings.
  15. Marilyn

    Major faith roadblock

    Hi Outlander, That would be a very difficult time for you. Now, the main reason I see is that you do not understand God`s character and His purposes. You, (as many people) are reading God`s word as all about yourself instead of about it revealing Christ, His character and His purposes for - the...
  16. Marilyn

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    Yes, that is the beginning of the DOL specific day, while DOL period of time occurs as Joel 2: 1 & 2 tell us, when the northern army comes down to Israel`s mountains. The Greek for Day - is a specific day and a period of time.
  17. Marilyn

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    That is right they are not part of the major Feasts but Purim is in God`s word and so is the Feast of dedication that the Lord went up to celebrate. They will have their fulfillment also. The Major Feasts have their fulfillment in Christ`s work as Mediator, whereas the other 2 are the result of...
  18. Marilyn

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    The Fulfillment of the Feast of trumpets before the Day of Atonement refers to the 7 trumpets heralding God`s vengeance upon the rebellious and calling people to repentance in the trib.