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  1. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    Yes bro, I do have faith in God to `keep what I have committed to Him until that day.` (2 Tim. 1: 12) However the focus is NOT what I believe about God`s power, BUT what God has purposed through His Son. That is God`s focus and mine too.
  2. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    I think you are confusing the `Church system` (which man had built) and the `Church` the called out ones whom God the Father made Head of. (Eph. 1: 22 & 23) To measure the Lord`s building and maturing His Body by person`s on seats in a public meeting is, I believe not right. It`s like giving...
  3. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    As we study the book of Revelation further we will see the details of these prophecies that John received from Christ, the Angel of the Covenant. The prophecies will show how Christ draws His people Israel back to God and how He protects them from their enemies...
  4. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    I see it that `dying to self` is a daily process as the Holy Spirit reveals more to us and we continue to humble ourselves under His mighty hand. People have often thought that they had to go through the trib, to prove that they were worthy. I see that as wrong.
  5. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    Christ`s Omniscience. (all knowing) Then the Lord, as the mighty angel, shows that it is He who is the Mediator between God and man. Only He who is God could raise His hand and swear by Himself. `The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the...
  6. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    CHRIST THE MEDIATOR (Rev. 10) Christ`s Mediatorship is now revealed to us in more detail. To accomplish His great work He needs to be free of all prejudice and partiality. His character must be perfect. Then He needs to be accessible to everyone everywhere at all times...
  7. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    When the 7th trumpet sounds then the mystery of God is finished. (Rev. 10: 7) It heralds a great earthquake, Armageddon, and the Lord`s return in power & glory. Thus the 7 trumpets, God`s judgments upon the earth, give us the overview of that tribulation period. Then we are able to...
  8. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    Dying to self is often harder than dying once. So no, I don`t see we, the Body of Christ will go through the chastisement for Israel and the judgments upon a rebellious world. Christ paid the price.
  9. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    The Body of Christ is coming to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God..... (Eph. 4: 13) and soon we will be caught away to meet the Lord and go to our eternal setting in glory. (Rev. 3: 21)
  10. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    In OT times that was BEFORE the cross, thus they had to physically fight. We, however, as the Body of Christ are NOT fighting `flesh and blood,` but principalities and powers. (Eph. 6: 12)
  11. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    Some good thoughts there bro. And yes the word `tabernacle` means to dwell, and Jesus, when manifest on earth, `tabernacled,` (John 1: 14) And in the NHNE God will `Tabernacle,` with those in the NJ and on earth, by His Holy Spirit. We, the Body of Christ, however will be on Christ`s own throne...
  12. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    ` One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things.` (Rev. 9: 12) The 6th trumpet also signals great destruction and woe upon mankind. `The 6th angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the horns of...
  13. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    The Middle of the Tribulation. The next three trumpets take place from the middle of the tribulation to the end. They are the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets. These are so terrible that they are referred to as `woes.` `And I looked and I heard an angel flying through the midst of...
  14. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    The 7 Trumpets: God`s Call to Repentance & Judgment. `Then the angel took the censer; filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to earth. And there were noises, thundering, lightnings and an...
  15. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    Israel has an EARTHLY CALLING, while we, the Body of Christ have a HEAVENLY CALLING.
  16. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    There is more ways to `skin a cat.` In other words getting control is not just about arms. Gt Britain and America used the Pound and now the dollar. (white horse crowned) Russia uses arms. (red horse - great sword) The EU uses their philosophy of a free market. (Black horse - great inflation)...
  17. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    Only meant `some.`
  18. Marilyn

    Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

    Hi randy. Thank you for your detailed reply. I do understand that Christians have been involved in what they think as `just` reasons. I think of defeating the Nazis etc. However we still need to be careful for God`s word says - `They are NOT of the world, just as I am NOT of the world.` (John...
  19. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 3: Christ the Mediator

    Christ the Minister of the Sanctuary. We are now shown the third vision of the Lord in His High office as Mediator of the Covenant. A mediator not only brings reconciliation between two parties but also applies retribution on the guilty. This is a solemn time and this is shown by the...