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  1. Marilyn


    God is all merciful and continually holds out His hand to people till they die. Those who go into the trib, untold billions will die of heat, hunger and thirst, but turn to God through their ordeal. (Rev. 7: 16)
  2. Marilyn


    The parable of the `10 virgins` has to do with Israel. The Body of Christ was not known at that time and the Lord was reminding Israel of the promises of God to them. `Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, TO CONFIRM THE PROMISES MADE TO THE...
  3. Marilyn


    It seems you are placing US the Body of Christ in the center of God`s purposes whereas He has purposes for Israel and the Nations as well. Christ is the center of His word and His purposes for the Body of Christ, for Israel and for the nations will be fulfilled.
  4. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    So to all the men here who are thinking they are the `bride of Christ,` do you see yourself as in a white wedding gown waiting to marry the Lord? That to me is very strange. I don`t understand men thinking they are to be female/bride. And I don`t understand why you would think Jesus wants a...
  5. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    To those who think they are the `bride.` I don`t want to offend however I think you need a reality check. Christian men are being deluded into thinking they are now or in the future, being changed to women, and that they will marry Jesus. And because there are so many that would be a harem. And...
  6. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Yes we know that the Lord `was led a a lamb to the slaughter.` (Isa. 53: 7) However the title `the Lamb,` (of God) refers to Israel`s sacrifices especially the Passover. It is a title in relation to ISRAEL. BTW remember that there is NO marriages in heaven. `For when they rise from the dead...
  7. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    And, David, to WHOM is the Lord talking to?
  8. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    What is the purpose of the `bride?` It is a symbol of God`s purpose for ISRAEL, as God`s word has said. Jesus does not marry any one. He connects with Israel again and that is likened to a `marriage,` of Him with `the wife.` Israel is the `wife,` and God is the `husband.` The meaning of...
  9. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Actually Paul is saying to HIS disciples that he wants to present them pure to the Lord. Now the apostle Paul DOES NOT present US to the Lord, for it is the Lord Himself who will present us to Himself. `Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to PRESENT YOU faultless before the...
  10. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Yes lots of scriptures talking about a `wife, a bride,` but NO, absolutely NO scripture saying that `the Church is the bride ,` or even a scripture saying `Bride of Christ.`
  11. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    It is the NEW MAN - with both a male and female nature. eg, adventurous & nurturing. Remember that God made us both, and He, yes He is called the `big breasted one,` a nuturer. Israel will again be reunited with its master, its husband. (Isa. 54: 5) `For your Maker is YOUR HUSBAND, the Lord of...
  12. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    There is no scripture saying `the Bride of Christ.` It is all assumption based upon an exhortation. And that is NOT what doctrine is to be based on. The marriage of the Lamb, is symbolic of Christ connecting again with Israel when He returns to deliver them. (Zech. 12: 10) The Bible is NOT all...
  13. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    There is no marriage in heaven. `For when they rise from the dead they neither marry, not are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.` (Mark 12: 25) We will be like Christ, male & not have sexual apparatus, but are the NEW MAN. (Eph. 2: 15) Christ is the Head - male, and His...
  14. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Hi ewq, Eph. 5: 28 & 29 passage is not doctrinal, but an exhortation and illustrative. It is a metaphor regarding devotion and affection, definitely not marriage. As Christ loved His Body - the church; so husbands ought to love their body - ie, their wives. Rom. 7: 4 `Should be married to...
  15. Marilyn

    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Hi David, This is so important for it leads to where our inheritance is. People have been taught wrong, I believe, as to - Eph. 5: 22 - 31. The word in NOT `her,` but `it`, referring to the BODY of Christ. This scripture is an exhortation for husbands to love their wives as Christ does His...
  16. Marilyn

    Cessation of Gifts

    `Christ.....He Himself gave some to be apostles, and some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ TILL WE ALL come to the UNITY OF THE FAITH and the knowledge of the Don of God...
  17. Marilyn

    What are you thoughts on Annihilation?

    I personally think we have all have had a good airing of our views. To keep going, especially if it is just round and round, then we can wrongly move into `foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.` (2 Tim. 2: 23) Whereas we need to be as God`s word says `a servant of...
  18. Marilyn

    What are you thoughts on Annihilation?

    In your mind ewq, but you have not admitted that the word `desolate,` is first in the Strong`s.
  19. Marilyn

    What are you thoughts on Annihilation?

    It`s probably HOW we say things, especially as we talk quickly back and forth. However you may think some one is not doing such and such but that is your view. We can only graciously point out to each other and then leave it to the Holy Spirit to confirm or highlight the error as we are open to...
  20. Marilyn

    What are you thoughts on Annihilation?

    Hi Laura, We should be discussing here NOT ridiculing others who are in the Body of Christ. Let`s try again.