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  1. E

    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    If it was my uncle's wallet is just call him and let him know to come and find it! wouldn't be bothered driving two towns as he could come get it!.
  2. E

    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    But was this guy threatened with a knife and screamed at when they told their parents they were strug gling? you sound as if you are minimising what would nowadays be considered abuse Husbands used to hit their wives and kids. doesn't mean God approved just because it was how it was done in...
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    She came from a rich family they both had plenty but she was afraid of him. He would punish her and the kids physical y and verbally...I witnessed it more than once. My own home was abusive too so I understand what they went through. And I came from a strict culture where the female...
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    They were hyper evangelical fundamentalist types. They had rules such as not allowing their children to do occult things like psychiatric counselling . They were born again spirit filled Christians but v paranoid. This girl had a breakdown and the father blamed her illness for ruining his...
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    No this is in the UK, and it was psychotherapy not just drugs. For someone whose life in danger because of self injury and suicidal.ideation and attempts. I knew the family well and they were well off middle This girl told me they forbade it because psychotherapy is anti biblical...
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    ideally we would always be honest with others even if they are not good to us but there is a difference between someone being a bit of a jerk and a pattern of severe abuse
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    If your socks could talk....

    My socks are feeling unloved at the moment Because sandal season has just begun and they don't get to be on my feet as much
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    If your socks could talk....

    those would be perfect socks for me as I love to read
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    The End Times has finally come

    Yes! It's a journey and we always learning
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    Exaclty, being a virtuous woman is about character. God has an individual plan for each woman Not about whether married or single, mother or childless or childfree. Not about whether a career woman or a homesteader. Not about Whether she has a secular job, is a nun, or a stay at home...
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    sorry to bother. i’m looking for a wifey 🙃

    you know, neither do i! poor OP. Hope they do manage to find the lady of their dreams. .I do think if we pray to God He will let us know if he had someone for us and will make sure it happens . Nothing wrong with being proactive though! also I feel maybe I have allowed my own prejudices...
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    The End Times has finally come

    Am a simple minded gal with a simple faith but I do think the most important thing is to preach Christ crucified as often as we can. I always tell people "I don't have the answers but I know the one who does!". Because no one is guaranteed tommorow. The unbeliever could die at any time so it...
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    The End Times has finally come

    I do think the end must be close as the birth pangs have got so intense in the past two decades even. It seems that the time of Jacobs Trouble may even be round the corner. I used to be a bit sceptical when some believers said they reckoned Jesus would return in our lifetime but I no longer...
  14. E

    almond milk smoothie

    Love the sound of this
  15. E

    When you have to suppress yourself to be friends

    Wow, what is with the capital letters tactic some use? That's crazy. I believe all scripture is God breathed, and yes. Many books in bible were not written for us, they explain the old covenant which is the shadow of things to come (Jesus and the new covenant) and to say we can't...
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    When you have to suppress yourself to be friends

    I could have written this, fits me to a T! Am untangling childhood trauma myself in therapy and hoping to find some answers on dealing withthe fear of man, other than my usual tactic which is avoiding people. Until they reject me and I need to come.after them to get back into their good books...
  17. E

    When you have to suppress yourself to be friends

    I can relate to this, as i tend to be the same. Hate saying no and sometimes stay in friendships because they want me to be their friend. It doesn't sound like you are getting much out of their friendship though. They don't seem all that interested in you so I wouldn't feel too bad for letting...
  18. E

    what is it like to be priveliged?

    Ah, ok. I have a rich family member and I see them as much a human being as anyone else. Like skin colour or culture, being rich or poor is only a part of someone's identity . It may shape them but it doesn't define them! Jesus looks at the heart motives not the outside trappings
  19. E

    Who Should Pay for Dates In a Blended Family Situation?

    I'm the same with dating. Am not saying at the moment because of my issues with abuse and complex ptsd but if in were dating, i would much prefer to know the person well and see them as someone I could hang with than date a stranger . Speed dating and dating strangers seems to be for those who...