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  1. KhedetOrthos

    Happy New Year

  2. KhedetOrthos

    Doing your own thing

    ...and people wonder what it is that led Eve to eat the fruit. You’re more like her than you care to admit.
  3. KhedetOrthos

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    in addition to breaking God’s law, it shakes a fist at God’s created orider. It’s a twofer. That’s why it provoked such a strong reaction from God at Sodom and Gomorrah. Additionally, besides abortion, it’s the only sin I can think of that has a loud, well funded, lobby backing it.
  4. KhedetOrthos

    With So Many "Fish in the Sea", How Many Should Someone be Baiting at Once?

    Yeah, I suppose. But if you spend three decades of your life not seriously looking for a spouse and then suddenly throw the switch and look for one whose will are you seeking to accomplish?
  5. KhedetOrthos

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    Yes; none of this provides blanket judgement that we should hate the sin and love the sinner.
  6. KhedetOrthos

    Caption This

    Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.
  7. KhedetOrthos

    Thinking about 2019

    I’m going to be moving in 2020 so there’s that.
  8. KhedetOrthos

    With So Many "Fish in the Sea", How Many Should Someone be Baiting at Once?

    “ “I had given up on getting my “meet cute,”” Unless she meant something totally different than I took that to mean...
  9. KhedetOrthos

    With So Many "Fish in the Sea", How Many Should Someone be Baiting at Once?

    True, but I didn’t mean it specifically in that way. The feminist myth is one that is dedicated to the falsehood that you can have it all. It specifically seeks to deny the opportunity costs of spending your teens and 20s chasing education and a career.
  10. KhedetOrthos

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    Thats a very common misconception in some circles. The fact is, that is a direct quote from Ghandhi, a Hindu. The Bible nowhere says anything of the sort. What does it say? “16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and...
  11. KhedetOrthos

    Dr. Fiona Hill refutes GOP conspiracy theories.

    Essentially they’ve been trying to impeach President Trump for what Biden/Obama/Clinton actually did.
  12. KhedetOrthos

    Lets laugh together!

    Darth Vader also finds misspelling his name disturbing...
  13. KhedetOrthos

    How do you respond, How can Christians vote for Trump?

    I think it goes a bit beyond that. At the root of that liberal view is the idea that humanity is basically good and can progress on to better things. At the root of the conservative view is the idea that humanity is a fallen and imperfect species and that because of this power should be...
  14. KhedetOrthos

    Can a man love ONLY ONE woman?

    At a time? Yes. Jesus’ math on this issue is 1+1 = 1. This is different from saying that everyone only has one potentially perfect spouse out there that you have to find. One of the attributes of scripture that separates it from man made mythology is its willingness to record both the...
  15. KhedetOrthos

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    The nativity of Christ, asking us if we bring our own gifts to Christ by correct stewardship of our time, talent, and treasure...if we bring our own gifts to our fellow believers made in the image of God by loving and caring for them...and passing mention that the original gifts of the magi are...
  16. KhedetOrthos

    Like before the days of Noah" The Flood"

    It is a tool. Like any other, it can be misused. We don’t blame the car for the actions of a drunk driver. We don‘t blame a rifle for the actions of a murderer. For all the ills that come along with it, a site like this could not exist without it. My church has a terrific website and we’ve...
  17. KhedetOrthos

    How do you respond, How can Christians vote for Trump?

    Yeah, I’m not particularly optimistic about the ability of a culture that can’t figure out where to go to the bathroom to remodel the constitution (or translate the Bible for that matter).
  18. KhedetOrthos

    With So Many "Fish in the Sea", How Many Should Someone be Baiting at Once?

    “I had given up on getting my “meet cute,” so I approached online dating half-heartedly…for years. But one day, after a guy contacted me, emailed me long, detailed messages for over a month, met me in person, then proceeded to ghost me, I decided to get serious. My relationship status hadn’t...
  19. KhedetOrthos

    Daughter rejected our dating values and our relationship is now strained

    It’s clear that she has turned her back on the way that she was raised. She is an adult now at age 20. As far as “why” there could be any number of reasons from being at a secular college where she was told things that caused her to doubt her faith to simply wanting to walk away from the...