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  1. KhedetOrthos

    Would Uriah's House in Heaven Be Right Next to King David's? (And What Would You Say to David if You Were Uriah?)

    I think we try and apply too many aspects of human reason to heaven. I think of it more like this. Say you grew up in a certain neighborhood. Your friend lived across the street. Once when you were 5 you argued over a toy. If, as adults you both lived in the same neighborhood, would this...
  2. KhedetOrthos

    Do ALL Christians have to suffer?

    ...the remembrance of death is essential to the successful Christian life. You cannot win a race by ignoring the details of the finish line.
  3. KhedetOrthos

    Women will be saved through Childbearing, if

    Sola scriptura in iudicium, it would seem.
  4. KhedetOrthos

    Do ALL Christians have to suffer?

    The Morning Offering - Crucified to Self ...some good thoughts on the topic.
  5. KhedetOrthos

    Women will be saved through Childbearing, if

    “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” Thats precisely what I’m going to quote. That’s precisely what it says in plain language. Furthermore, if you judge the fruits of women’s ordination there isn’t a single Christian church that has...
  6. KhedetOrthos

    Women will be saved through Childbearing, if

    *In the church setting*. Women cannot have authority over men in spiritual matters. Beth Moore is in rebellion against God. Deborah was not.
  7. KhedetOrthos


    It said I was weakly IFSJ.
  8. KhedetOrthos

    At times:

    ...additionally, I find the concept of a $100 bar tab unfathomable (unless you’re at a high end pub with a SO and that includes dinner).
  9. KhedetOrthos

    At times:

    ...and what you need to be doing if she is your wife.
  10. KhedetOrthos

    At times:

    What you need to be doing if she is your girlfriend.
  11. KhedetOrthos

    "My Fair Lady" Gets #MeTooEnding Spoiler Alert!

    Growth, personal fulfillment, independence aren’t the goals of the Christian life. Theosis is.
  12. KhedetOrthos

    Looking to meet someone nice

    I’d put that one in the recycle bin if I were you... Try this... Wo leben Sie in Deutschland? Können Sie gute hausgemachte Spätzle machen? Two critical questions here... :)
  13. KhedetOrthos

    CDC Confirms A THC Additive, Vitamin E Acetate, Is The Culprit In Most Vaping Deaths

    I lost a dog to that toxic Chinese food years ago. A good rule is to never buy any sort of food for you or your pets from China.
  14. KhedetOrthos

    Christianity is growing strongly in Russia

    That is a difficult history after which to preach the gospel.
  15. KhedetOrthos

    Rising Children in an ever dying culture.

    I wish you the best. I’ll share this short podcast with you It is the sermon from the Sunday of Genealogies. The whole thing is worth a lesson but the part relevant to here is at 22:35. I hope you find some...
  16. KhedetOrthos

    Rising Children in an ever dying culture.

    Is moving an option?
  17. KhedetOrthos

    Last person to post wins!!!

    The question is, can we keep this thread going till the second coming? Because then we’ll have a definitive winner :)
  18. KhedetOrthos

    Rising Children in an ever dying culture.

    Are your kids in public school? Because that’s an easy way to subject them to 40 hours of secular indoctrination a week...
  19. KhedetOrthos

    Happy New Year

    Doesn’t seem like that long people were worried about Y2K...