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  1. WebersHome

    Gen 49:22-33

    - †. Gen 49:22 . . Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. Jacob's assessment of Joseph is similar to the assessment of a blessed man in the very first Psalm. "Blessed is the man who has not followed the counsel of the wicked, nor taken the...
  2. WebersHome

    Gen 49:16-21

    - †. Gen 49:16 . . Dan shall govern his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. That prediction alludes to Dan's autonomous attitude towards the other tribes. In point of fact, Dan's tribe didn't join forces with the others in the north to help repel oppressors. (Judg 5:17) A good example of...
  3. WebersHome

    Gen 49:8-15

    - †. Gen 49:8 . .You, O Judah, your brothers shall praise; your hand shall be on the nape of your foes; your father's sons shall bow low to you. Reuben was the original ranking brother, then the position passed to Joseph, and finally to the family of Judah's grandson David; and that's where it...
  4. WebersHome

    Gen 49:4-7

    - †. Gen 49:1-4 . . And Jacob summoned his sons and said: Come together that I may tell you what is to befall you in days to come. Assemble and hearken, O sons of Jacob; hearken to Israel your father: . . . Reuben, you are my first-born, my might and first fruit of my vigor, exceeding in rank...
  5. WebersHome

    Gen 48:17-22

    - †. Gen 48:17-19a . .When Joseph saw that his father was placing his right hand on Ephraim's head, he thought it an error; so he took hold of his father's hand to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's. Not so, Father; Joseph said to his father; for the other is the firstborn; place your...
  6. WebersHome

    Gen 48:15-16

    - †. Gen 48:15a . .Then he blessed Joseph All three men there that day were "Joseph" so the blessing wasn't really directed to Mr. Joseph himself alone but rather to his tribe as a unity. †. Gen 48:15b . . saying: The god in whose ways my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the god who has been...
  7. WebersHome

    Gen 48:8-14

    - †. Gen 48:8a . .When Israel At this point, Genesis switches from Jacob's earthly name to his God-given name; viz: his spiritual name; probably because the first portion of the interview was personal business while the second half will be conducted in Jacob's official capacity as a prophet...
  8. WebersHome

    Gen 48:5-7

    - †. Gen 48:5-6 . . Now, your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt, shall be mine; Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine no less than Reuben and Simeon. Progeny born to you after them shall be yours; but they shall be recorded under the names of their...
  9. WebersHome

    Gen 48:1-4

    - †. Gen 48:1a . . Some time afterward, Joseph was told "Your father is ill" The Hebrew word for "ill" is chalah (khaw-law') and can mean not only sick, but also weak (Judg 16:17) sad (1Sam 22:8) suppliant (1Kgs 13:6) injured (1Kgs 22:34) in pain (Jer 4:31) drunk (Hos 7:5) and evil: as disaster...
  10. WebersHome

    Gen 47:30b-31

    - †. Gen 47: 30b-31a . . He replied: I will do as you have spoken. And he said: Swear to me. And he swore to him. The Hebrew word for "swear" is shaba` (shaw-bah'). It's basically a promise, guaranteed by repeating it seven times. When God's name is dragged into a shaba` then it becomes a...
  11. WebersHome

    Where Is Mother Teresa Now?

    - ● John 5:24 . . Amen, amen, I say to you: whoever hears my word, and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life and will not come to condemnation, but has passed from death to life. ● Heb 11:6 . .Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for anyone who approaches God must believe...
  12. WebersHome

    Gen 47:27-30a

    - †. Gen 47:27-28 . . Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number. Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven. Jacob immigrated to Egypt when he...
  13. WebersHome

    Gen 47:21-26

    - †. Gen 47:21-22 . . and Joseph reduced the people to servitude, from one end of Egypt to the other. However, he did not buy the land of the priests, because they received a regular allotment from Pharaoh and had food enough from the allotment Pharaoh gave them. That is why they did not sell...
  14. WebersHome

    Gen 47:14-20

    - †. Gen 47:14 . . Joseph gathered in all the money that was to be found in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, as payment for the rations that were being procured, and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's palace. Some people accuse Joseph of profiteering; of exploiting the people's...
  15. WebersHome

    Gen 47:7b-13

    - †. Gen 47:7b . . and Jacob blessed Pharaoh As a rule, the lesser is blessed of the better (Heb 7:7). However, it's possible for the better to be blessed by the lesser too. (e.g. Ps 16:7, Ps 26:12, Ps 34:1, et al). It all depends on the nature of the blessing. There's nothing a man can do to...
  16. WebersHome

    Gen 47:1-7a

    - †. Gen 47:1-2 . .Then Joseph came and reported to Pharaoh, saying: My father and my brothers, with their flocks and herds and all that is theirs, have come from the land of Canaan and are now in the region of Goshen. And selecting five of his brothers, he presented them to Pharaoh. Aren't you...
  17. WebersHome

    Gen 46:1-30

    - †. Gen 46:1 . . So Israel set out with all that was his, and he came to Beer-sheba, where he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. I would imagine that Jacob was a bit uncertain as to whether or not he should leave the promised land and go to Egypt, even though his granddad had...
  18. WebersHome

    Gen 45:14-28

    - †. Gen 45:14-15 . .Then he threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin embraced him, weeping. And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him. I seriously think the ten brothers were so consternated to the point of paralyzing...
  19. WebersHome

    Gen 45:4-13

    - †. Gen 45:4a . .Then Joseph said to his brothers: Come close to me. You can just safely bet they had reflexively shrunk back from him as far as the boundaries of the room would permit. †. Gen 45:4b-7 . .When they had done so, he said: I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt...
  20. WebersHome

    Gen 45:1-3

    - †. Gen 45:1-2 . . Joseph could stand it no longer. Out, all of you! He cried out to his attendants. He wanted to be alone with his brothers when he told them who he was. Then he broke down and wept aloud. His sobs were so loud that the Egyptians could hear, and so the news reached Pharaoh's...