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  1. Johnny_B

    Killing Calvinism: How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Theology from the Inside

    I have have come to appreciate the discussion we have had here lately on this subject. As you may know I do not claim to be Reformed or Calvinist, more that I disagree with, after the Doctrines of Grace, then I agree with. But that's not why I am starting this thread, as I was doing some...
  2. Johnny_B

    females, yes or no, what about pastors leading a Church yes or no, where?

    All this talk about females being pastors, made me realize, that the Scripture I was posting has nothing to do with pastors, it had to do with overseers, elders and deacons and what to look for when appointing them. Where in Scripture does it say that a pastor is to be the sole leader of a...
  3. Johnny_B

    Ephesians 2:8-10 1898 Paraphase

    EPISTLES OF PAUL IN MODERN ENGLISH A PARAPHARSE Ephesians 2:8-10 "For God's grace is the grounds of our salvation, as faith is the condition of it's appropriation; we do not achieve it by our good works; God freely bestows it, and we must ascribe it to His goodness alone. Our Christian life...
  4. Johnny_B

  5. Johnny_B

    Freedom! God's p.lan of salvation

    This is a track, that can be downloaded and printed for evangelizing. I may not agree with some of it, but it does explain how sin is the transgression of God's Law, how Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law. I have found that using the Law in evangelism is less personal because it doesn't...
  6. Johnny_B

    How Do You Read the Bible?

    What I mean, is do you read it like literature, that can be understood plainly, with-in it's context or is it mystical, with hidden messages, that need special insights to understand them? What does the literal translation of the Word mean to you?
  7. Johnny_B

    The Spirit and Word working in the heat's

    This 12 minute video will give you an understanding of how it must of been in the book of Acts. No alter call, a genuine move of the Spirit through the preaching of the word of God.
  8. Johnny_B

    The Order of Salvation

    Encase someone wants to say that you have to be baptized to be saved. Baptism is after rebirth and has nothing to do with rebirth it's an appeal of a good conscience toward God, I Peter 3:21. Your sins need to be forgiven to have a good conscience toward God. Peter gives the order of salvation...
  9. Johnny_B

    Would arminians buy a Bible that said?

    Romans 8:28 "God foreknew your faith and predestined you to be conformed to the image of His, Son by your faith" Romans 9:11 "for the children not yet being born, He seen their faith by His foreknowledge, for that reason He chose them, not of grace but of him who has faith, by his own will"...
  10. Johnny_B

    I'm New

    Blessing to all my Brothers and Sisters. I just wanted to stop in and say hello.