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  1. Johnny_B

    The Corinthian Error In Today's Dominionist Preachers

    One more thing, about your Scripture twisting. Paul is not speaking about spiritual gifts in chapter 4 he is talking about those false apostles that were teaching that the kingdom was at that time. Look at how Paul starts chapter 12 "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to...
  2. Johnny_B

    The Corinthian Error In Today's Dominionist Preachers

    You again show your immaturity by avoiding the question, you love pointing fingers, but you forget that 3 are pointing back at you. Answer the question is the rooster crow literal or not?
  3. Johnny_B

    The modern church and the "Sinners Prayer"- True or false teaching?

    I am sorry no one has been saved by saying anything, to be born again is a work of the Spirit and the Word by the Father's grace. .John 3:3 “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” You have to be born again to even see the kingdom of God so that...
  4. Johnny_B

    The Corinthian Error In Today's Dominionist Preachers

    Your skirt is showing, you have shown your immaturity toward follow believers that do not belive as you do. Just to let you know you twist the Scpritures, Jesus said that directly to Peter it is a historical account of what Jesus said to Peter. Let me ask you a question, what does the rooster...
  5. Johnny_B

    His mercy, compassion and grace, our response to them

    Roman 9:14-18 “What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means!15 For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.17 For the...
  6. Johnny_B

    Saul became Paul his heritage, citizenship, language, religion and name change

    I started this because someone asked about this and by the time I put it all together, I could not find the thread so whoever was asking my hope is that this helps you with what you were looking for. Here the Scriptures on Paul's heritage, pre-covertion religion, native tongue, his name change...
  7. Johnny_B


    The Lord God when making a covanent with Abraham to give him an heir and offspring also promised him the land that He brought him to when He brought him of of Ur. The Lord secured that covenant by the garuntee of Hinself, by Him alone walking through the halves of the offerings. Genesis 15:1-4...
  8. Johnny_B

    Born Again Jesus, Bill Johnson

    Bill Johnson by his teachings is not a Christian, he believe Jesus was not fully God.
  9. Johnny_B

    Whatever happened to influential Arminian Writers???

    I seen the title of a thread that brought me back to a Wesleyan writer that wrote mean books one of them being "The Problem of Wineskins: Church Structure in Technological Age by Howard Snyder" what ever happened to the Arminian writers that could get a review like this one on, Christian Faith...
  10. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace: Perseverance of the Saints*

    Perseverance of the Saints God has sworn two blessings of salvation for the elect. First He promised to keep them forever and never forsake them. Second, He promised to work within them so that they will not fall away from Him. Both blessings are expressly promised in Jer. 32:40. The Fifth...
  11. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace: Irresistible Grace

    If you have not read the first five threads, this thread is not going to make sense, because if you do not understand the sovereignty of God, you will never understand the Doctrines off Grace. Following that line, if you don't understand total depravity with God's sovereignty behind it. You will...
  12. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace: Limited Atonement

    We have looked at the sovereignty of God, He is in control of His creation, He can bring His plans to come to pass. Total depravity, not being able to please God in his flesh, but that he can do no good in pleasing God, but that man can do good to other men, but not before God. Unconditional...
  13. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace: Unconditional Election

    Unconditional Election Man cannot save himself in whole or in part. Only God can save Man. The good news of the Gospel is that God has provided a way of salvation through Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4). But to understand God’s way of salvation, we have to again go back to the eternal mind of God in...
  14. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace: Total Depravity

    Total Depravity God is sovereign, but He made Man a responsible being. This is a paradox. We must believe both truths for they are both taught in Scripture. Man is certainly accountable to God (Rom. 14:12; Eccl. 12:13-14). God created Adam and Eve as morally responsible persons. In fact, they...
  15. Johnny_B

    An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace

    “We only use the term “Calvinism” for shortness. That doctrine which is called “Calvinism” did not spring from Calvin; we believe that it sprang form the great founder of all truth. Perhaps Calvin himself derived it mainly from the writings of Augustine. Augustine obtained his views, without...
  16. Johnny_B


    I'm looking to understand Arminianism more, I am wondering what type of books do they write that are a must read. For me when I was a believer in search of knowledge, at that time I would say that Calvinist have great writings on grace and mercy, but they take it to far into predestination and...
  17. Johnny_B

    Arminianism D.A.I.S.Y.

    Arminianism actually developed from an attempt to defend Calvinism. Joseph Arminius studied in Calvin’s theological school and was troubled by people attacking what would later be known as Reformed theology. He set out to study Scripture to rebuff those attacks. He was surprised to find his...
  18. Johnny_B

    Calvinism, T.U.L.I.P.

    Most people here that do not understand Calvinism, make assertions about Calvinism when they are talking about hypr-Calvinism. Calvinism as a theological system, perhaps surprisingly, dates back prior to John Calvin and the Reformers. As with much of Christian thought, the ideas of election...
  19. Johnny_B

    Chose Your Theological Flower, TULIP, ROSES or DAISY

    CALVINISM: TULIP T: Total depravity – Every facet of every person everywhere has been marred by sin. U: Unconditional election – God chooses those to be saved based solely on His will. L: Limited atonement – Christ died only for those who are elect. I: Irresistible grace – The elect cannot...
  20. Johnny_B

    R.O.S.E.S. Monism's flower

    The lesser known theological flower, the ROSES of Molinism, was first developed by Spanish Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina, for whom the system is named. It attempts to reconcile the dual emphasis in Scripture on God’s sovereignty and human responsibility/free will. While it is not as widely...