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  1. WebersHome

    Genesis 6:1-2

    - †. Gen 6:1-2 . . Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were good; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. The Hebrew word for "good" in that passage is towb...
  2. WebersHome

    Genesis 5:28-32

    - †. Gen 5:28-29 . .When Lamech had lived 182 years, he begot a son. And he named him Noah, saying, “This one will provide us relief from our work and from the toil of our hands, out of the very soil which the Lord placed under a curse.” The word for "Noah" is from nuwach (noo'-akh) and means...
  3. WebersHome

    Christ And Capital Punishment

    - There's always a number of people out and about who truly believe that Christ wasn't obligated to comply with the covenant that Yhvh's people agreed upon with God as per Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Take capital punishment for example. I encounter people all the time who...
  4. WebersHome

    Genesis 5:9-27

    - †. Gen 5:9 . .When Enosh had lived 90 years, he begot Kenan. Kenan's name in the Hebrew is Qeynan (kay-nawn') which means fixed or permanent; sort of like birds' nests, homes; and drifters finally ending their nomadic life and putting down some roots. Fixed can also mean that someone's life...
  5. WebersHome

    Genesis 5:1-8

    - †. Gen 5:1a . .This is the record of Adam's line. The Bible record generally follows the genealogy that leads to Christ; but, on the way, sometimes takes little side trips along lines forking off the main stem. So Genesis first shows where Cain's line went, drops it, and then picks up Seth's...
  6. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:23-26

    - †. Gen 4:23-24 . . And Lamech said to his wives: Adah and Zillah, hear my voice! O wives of Lamech, give ear to my speech! I have slain a man for wounding me, and a lad for bruising me. If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold. Brag, Brag, Brag-- boy, I tell you some men...
  7. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:20-22

    - †. Gen 4:20 . . Adah bore Jabal; he was the ancestor of those who dwell in tents and amidst herds. This is the Bible's very first mention of man-made portable shelters. Tents, teepees, wigwams, etc; make it possible to roam long distances in relative comfort while searching for foods and...
  8. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:17-19

    - †. Gen 4:17a . . Cain knew his wife, Adam was created directly from the dust of the earth. Not so Eve. She was constructed from a human tissue sample amputated from Adam's body. In other words: Eve's flesh was biologically just as much Adam's flesh as Adam's except for gender; viz: Eve...
  9. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:13-16

    - †. Gen 4:13 . . Cain said to the Lord: My punishment is too great to bear! His punishment was actually very lenient. In point of fact, it wasn't punishment at all, it was discipline. It's true that Cain would struggle to survive; but at least he was allowed to live. His kid brother was dead...
  10. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:8-12

    - †. Gen 4:9 . . Yhvh said to Cain: Where is your brother Abel? And he said: I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper? The Hebrew word for "keeper" indicates, in this case, a guardian; viz: responsibility for someone or something put in one's care; for example: Abel was a keeper of the sheep: a...
  11. WebersHome

    Hell's Black Friday

    - An article in the Money section of the week-end USA Today says that the DOW is at risk of ending the year in the red. Not so hell. No, hell does okay for itself all year long; and gets a bonus on Christmas and New Year. A study done of 26 years of death certificates shows that coronary...
  12. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:7b-8

    - †. Gen 4:7b . . But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; This is the very first instance in the Bible of the word "sin". The Hebrew word is chatta'ah (khat-taw-aw') and/or chatta'th (khat-tawth') which are ambiguous words that technically mean an offense; as in...
  13. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:5b-7a

    - †. Gen 4:5b . . Cain was much distressed and his face fell. Cain was a whole lot worse than distressed. He was blazing mad. The word for "distressed" is from charah (khaw-raw') and means: to glow or grow warm; figuratively (usually) to blaze up, of anger, zeal, jealousy. Cain is actually in a...
  14. WebersHome

    Genesis 22:1-2b

    - †. Gen 22:1a . . Some time afterward, God put Abraham to the test. This particular section of Scripture deals with an ancient incident known in sacred Jewish literature as The Akedah (the binding of Isaac). The Akedah portrays the very first human sacrifice ever performed in the Bible by...
  15. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:3-5a

    - †. Gen 4:3-4a . . In the course of time, Cain brought an offering to The Lord from the fruit of the soil; and Abel, for his part, brought the choicest of the firstlings of his flock. There's no indication in this scene suggesting their oblations were sacrifices for sin. The Hebrew word for...
  16. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:2

    - †. Gen 4:2a . . She then bore his brother Abel. Abel's name is from hebel (heh'bel) and means: emptiness or futility. Figuratively: something transitory and unsatisfactory. Poor Eve; she's only had two kids and already motherhood has lost its appeal. Cain was her very first pregnancy. It was...
  17. WebersHome

    Genesis 4:1

    - †. Gen 4:1a . . Now the man knew his wife Eve, There is more to knowledge than just information. Some kinds of knowledge can't be learned from a book or a lecture; they can only be learned by personal experience. Carnal knowledge is one of those kinds of knowing. It's one thing for a young...
  18. WebersHome

    Where Is Mother Teresa Now?

    - Rome's poster girl, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (a.k.a. Mother Teresa) is a terrible disappointment. It turns out Teresa was a remarkable actor. Her public image bore no resemblance whatsoever to the secret life of her inner being. Below are some quotes taken from her own private letters; and...
  19. WebersHome

    Genesis 3:23-24

    - †. Gen 3:23-24 . . So the Lord God banished him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he was taken. He drove the man out, and stationed east of the garden of Eden the cherubim and the fiery ever-turning sword, to guard the way to the tree of life. In order make the warning of...
  20. WebersHome

    Genesis 3:21-22

    - †. Gen 3:21 . . And the Lord God made garments of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. The exact cut and design of their garments isn't specified, and the words kethoneth (keth-o'-neth) and/or kuttoneth (koot-to'-neth) just indicate a shirt, or covering; as hanging from the...