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  1. Lamar

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    No, the servant could not pay the debt before it was forgiven and the servant could not pay the debt after the forgiveness was taken away. I do not believe I can save myself nor do I remember making such a statement. I am nothing like the Pharisees. I have now answered 4 of your questions...
  2. Lamar

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Is that what happened of the forgiven servant in Matthew 18:21-35? Was the servant being chastened?
  3. Lamar

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    It is the Bible that says we must do works not posters. James 2:24 "You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone." We may debate what is needed to be saved but not the need to obey.
  4. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    What makes me correct? The same thing that makes NewLifeinChrist correct.
  5. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    To the very best of my knowledge and hopefully with a sincere heart I have and will always trust in the Lord and Christ, Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God. Part of the Triune Godhead spoken of in scripture. The fully human and fully God that both lived and died on this planet for our sake. The...
  6. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Let me be as clear as I can. Nothing in your verses proves in any way that you (NewLifeinChrist) has an all-encompassing personal individual guarantee of eternal salvation upon your death and appearance before the judgement seat of God. You are attempting to forcefully interject yourself into...
  7. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    The verse you are quoting is about our personal introspection, the honest as possible observation of our thoughts. This effort, though noble is not a guarantee of salvation and without that guarantee personal assurance is not possible. Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things...
  8. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    It means exactly what it says. It is you and every other church who presume to interject your bias into who the pronouns apply to, that will read more into the verse then what is there. The pronouns are referring to Christians. It does not say who is a Christian. So using 1st John 5:13 as a...
  9. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    A fair question. For the sake of expedience than principle. I will bow my unworthy head and beg the blood of Jesus on the day of Judgement. Like we all should.
  10. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    I suspect those in Matthew 7:21-23 also "knew" that they had eternal life. John knew his audience, he also knew that many who would hear these words would not have eternal life. May know is a far cry from knowing. So what is your point?
  11. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Only God knows. Would you not agree? The mind of man is flawed, even his heart cannot be trusted. Don't think so highly of yourself to presume your place at the table or even a place at all. Stay humble and watchful.
  12. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    We are way pass that question. It seems that we are at a point of two camps. One camp is asserting the need for an obedient faith and the other is not. It is really that simple. We may debate what needs to be obeyed but not the need to obey.
  13. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    You are most certainly not putting your faith in God but in your theology. You are simply inserting yourself into the pronouns "us" and "we", nothing more. These pronouns describe Christians not simply those who believe they are Christians. No one knows the individuals who names have not been...
  14. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    ??? Is the Bible wrong to use such "ists" and "isms" to describe groups of people as: Nicolaitans Judaizers Sadducees Pharisees Was the early church wrong to label people Gnostics? Did this have to be explained to you? I am more then happy to discuss ideas with you but you are in the...
  15. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Trust is a work. It is one of the hardest things humans can do. You are claiming that God only saves those who do the trusting. This is works theology, what part of this do you not understand?
  16. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth! Well as least you have covered all your bases.
  17. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Your post# 51 does sound like works.
  18. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Your theology is Calvinist. You like other Calvinists have made a god of your theology. You subscribe to the notion that God has not created a image of Himself that is capable of their own faith. We are not animals, we are made in His image. Who do you "attribute" the faith that amazed Jesus...
  19. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    You are correct, newlifeinchrist is simply not presenting what you are clearly stating. A common ploy.
  20. Lamar

    A misconception of obedience

    Strawman, no one is making such a claim. Again, this is a strawman. No one is pushing the "idea that our trust in God to save us is because of our obedience". You are attacking a notion that is not being presented.