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  1. Shilo

    A Killer In Your Fridge ~ Sweet Poison…A MUST READ

    A Killer In Your Fridge ~ Sweet Poison…A MUST READ In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around. Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain. By March...
  2. Shilo

    today is Rosh HaShanah the Day of Remembering

    The great Tribulation / Feast of trumpets The trumpets sound over a 3 ½ year period. Feast of trumpets is know as Rosh HaShanah" means "Head of theYear", day of awakening, The Day of Judgment, the Birthpangs of theMessiah, Day of Remembering, proclaimed the anointing of a new king, Weddingof...
  3. Shilo


    Roxy is a lab mix who was dropped off at our house last December. The vet told us she was about 5 weeks old. she was so small she fit in my husbands hand. she could not walk very well so we thing that is why she was dropped off. She walked like a frog it was so sad. Then couple weeks later her...
  4. Shilo

    Tortured Christians in the Sinai:

    From the West Coast of Africa to the deserts of Sinai, Bedouin tribes are conducting a human trafficking trade on a massive scale.It's no secret. The trade reaps millions of dollars and deals with human misery. It could be stopped but so far no one has dared. "By that time I had lost sense...
  5. Shilo

    Stars the people of God

    Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Philippians 2:15 That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted...
  6. Shilo


    We all make mistakes in life but when we come to know Yeshua/Jesus as our savior we have been given a new life old things have past way 2 Corinthians 5:17. .When we repent and come into agreement with God that what we have done is wrong and as for forgivness our past is wiped clean with the...
  7. Shilo

    prayer for Spike Dillinger

    Spike Dillinger a dog found by police Tuesday that was shot more than 30 times with a pellet gun, I pray Lordthat you bring the people who didthis to cort to pay for this cruel thing done to a loving dog. In Yeshua's holy name I pray amen.
  8. Shilo

    Mariah Carey - Hero - One Night with the King .
  9. Shilo

    Jult 18 - 9th of Av

    May all of us who love the Lord learn from history and renew our minds. This is a sad day were thorugh history we can see what rebellion against the Lord can do. If we follow him we have protection but if we live in rebellion he lifts that protection. He does this to turn us back to him that in...
  10. Shilo

    Lord, I give you praise

    Lord, I give you praise for everyone you have shown how to dance their way through challenges and misfortunes. You open their eyes to a new path or teach them what needs to change in them. I also pray Lord that you continueto help us see your patience, love and understanding as each of us...
  11. Shilo

    Fear Is Easy, Love Is Hard
  12. Shilo

    thoughts on the book of Genesis

    Genesis Ch1 in creation only Elohim is used. This is a name of power and judgment Genesis Ch2 The Lord God name of covenant and redemption. This is the name for relationship, his saving us and the promises in his word show he wants arelationship with us. He blessed the 7 day and set it...
  13. Shilo

    Someone Worth Dying For
  14. Shilo

    Never For Nothing
  15. Shilo

    By Your Side/Times by
  16. Shilo

    .What Faith Can Do- Kutless w/lyrics .
  17. Shilo

    The beauty of a child

    A nurse on the pediatric ward, before listening to the little...
  18. Shilo

    Ann Margaret and Richard

    not my story just passing it on Viet Nam1966 Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in Viet Nam , other than he had been shot by a sniper. However, he had a rather grainy, 8 x 10 black and white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margret with Bob Hope in the...
  19. Shilo


    I got a call about a job they are going to do a back ground check and then call me for a interview. Please pray I get this Job! thank you
  20. Shilo

    Chris Tomlin - I Will Follow

    Chris Tomlin - I Will Follow - YouTube