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  1. Shilo


    Father God, I come to you in the name of your son Yeshua and pray that you transform my Husband Bruce into the man you created him to be. I pray that you take away his nightmares and make him stop enjoying violent movies. I thank you LORD that he has been going to church with me and has started...
  2. Shilo

    My prayer for all of you

    I pray you let the LORD fill you with his beauty and with you are dressed in that beauty you see yourself as his beloved. . There is nothing that pleases the Lord more then for one of his dear children to sit at his feet and let him be the father he wants to be. As you sit there he clothes you...
  3. Shilo


    For the last four mornings my husband has been hearing a puppy crying. I had not heard anything and told him we still do not have neighbors on that side. He went outside and checked and there was a small puppy that you could see her little bones sitting right underneath his bedroom window. The...
  4. Shilo


    Father God, I do not what to be a stingy person. You know my brother Travis has asked me to take up a collection for him for some shoes. When he ask this no one usually helps. He was denied parole and they will not look at his case again for 5 years. My heart breaks for him. I look at all my...
  5. Shilo

    condolences for Newtown

    If this is not allowed, I am sorry and understand if it is removed. For anyone who wants to send condolences to the residents of Newtown The postal service has set up a special post office box for people to send letters of support and encouragement to Sandy Hook area residents. The Newtown...
  6. Shilo

    The Harbinger

    Isaiah 9:10 10 “The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.” 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up The adversaries of Rezin against him, And spur his enemies on Prophecy of America Prophecy for America. Rabbi...
  7. Shilo

    The 2 Menorah Lampstands

    The 2 Menorah Lampstands 7 Branch Menorah Central shaft Yeshua John 15:1“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Center candle is the servant candle Yeshua Matthew 20:28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom...
  8. Shilo

    US Supreme Court to take up same-sex marriage issue.

    US Supreme Court to take up same-sex marriage issue. They will be looking at when states choose to permit the marriages of same-sex couples, can the federal government refuse to recognize their validity. The Supreme Court will also hear a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, known...
  9. Shilo

    Pray for church message

    Father God, Rabbi is doing an in-depth study on Messiah Yeshua in the old testament . He has been giving the study for 2 weeks and so far there has been problems with the sound equipment every time. I pray Lord that you would prevent any dark forces from interfering with the rest of this...
  10. Shilo

    Take Me In

    Take Me In (worship video w/ lyrics) - YouTube
  11. Shilo

    Making War In The Heavenlies

    Making War In The Heavenlies - YouTube
  12. Shilo


    Father God, I pray that if I have not forgiven John from my heart that you make it true within me .I pray for him to know Yeshua as his Lord and savior and that he be set free from whatever pain has tormented him. Help him know when he comes to you he will find love and acceptance. I pray Lord...
  13. Shilo

    trust in me now

    trust in me now by anthony evans - YouTube
  14. Shilo

    Jehovah Jireh

    His grace is sufficient for me. Jehovah Jireh - YouTube
  15. Shilo

    El Shaddai

    El-Shaddai means God Almighty EL SHADDAI BY AMY GRANT - YouTube
  16. Shilo

    Texas firefighter on life support

    Three volunteer firefighters were in a vehicle rollover accident on Friday. Two of the men were treated and released. The third man Jalen Smith is on life support . Father God, please bring complete restoring of Jalen’s health and bring comfort and strength to all involved. In Yeshua’s...
  17. Shilo

    bus crash

    At the Miami International Airport bus tried pass beneath an overpass that it was to tall for. Authorities say two passengers are dead and others have been critically injured. Father God, please be with the injured for complete healing and Lord please pring comfort and strength to family...
  18. Shilo

    praise report

    praise report I have prayed over the years off and on for Angus T. Jones from two and ½ men. It was nice to hear he made a stand for Christ. Even with his apology later I see it as a answer to prayer. Father God, please help him keep growing in his faith. In Yeshua’s Holy name I pray amen.
  19. Shilo

    The United Nations recognize a Palestinian state

    Father God, I pray your children cry out to you And give you no rest, until you establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. Lord turn all your children’s eye to the place where you have put your name forever. Lord my heart sinks within me at this news. I look at this and think does...
  20. Shilo

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

    The United Nations voted today to recognize a Palestinian state.The resolution was approved by a more than two-thirds majority. Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. Psalm 102:14 For her stones are dear to your servants; her very dust moves them to...