Search results for query: purity

  1. JohnB

    In heaven we will have a body of flesh and blood. Very interesting because angels can take on human form

    Jesus said he had a body of flesh and bone. When the angels take human form, they eat and drink. In Genesis 6 they had sex with human women. They procreated. Seems they must have had blood in taking human form.
  2. JohnB

    I find it very sad when Christians put their opinions over scripture. Some examples.

    ...nothing on the consequences. I've had friends who got a woman pregnant and married them. It did not end well. I've also had friends marry someone they should not have, and it did not end well. They did the purity thing and really did not know the person they married, and than it was too late.
  3. JohnB

    I find it very sad when Christians put their opinions over scripture. Some examples.

    That was their culture. god never required it for marriage.
  4. JohnB

    A question about adultery

    and yet that is the example here. No where in the scripture did GOD ask for purity before marriage. If you're pushing purity before marriage, what do you do with anyone who has been divorced?
  5. JohnB

    A question about adultery

    "When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her " Hosea 1:2. Why don't Christians hold up Hosea as a godly marriage. It was GOD himself who put this marriage together. So much for your purity before marriage.
  6. JohnB

    A question about adultery

    For the single Christian sex is about getting married, not purity. Where did Jesus and Paul say you had to be pure before getting married?
  7. JohnB

    A question about adultery

    I am strongly against the purity movement. That movement does not discuss differences of attitude and personality. You can be as pure as you want, it will make no difference in the marriage. There is no promise from GOD that by following their rules he will bless your marriage or make it easier...
  8. JohnB

    A question about adultery

    Jesus and Paul were very clear. The purpose of marriage is to have sex. To have some controls on the desires. From I have seen the church will not preach this. They teach purity, something Jesus and Paul did not teach about getting married.
  9. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    There are good and bad in every church. What they were teaching about the purity movement was wrong and caused much harm in marriages. I enjoyed teaching the class, but railed against the purity movement being accepted there.
  10. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    ...had a dance class. The footsteps were set on a pattern on the floor, but the students were not allowed to touch each other. He allowed the purity movement to take full control in the church. I was teaching a Sunday School class for deaf children (I majored in sign language), so i stayed for...
  11. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    But people are not waiting for marriage to have sex. Waiting for marriage may be the ideal, but for many it's not happening. " “If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the marriage price and marry her. If her father absolutely refuses to...
  12. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    There is no promise from GOD that if you're a virgin when you marry he'll bless you for it. Twice in scripture he's clear you can marry anyone you want. "This is what the LORD commands for Zelophehad’s daughters: They may marry anyone they please as long as they marry within their father’s...
  13. JohnB

    Angels can procreate

    I never followed the purity program. I hated what it did to others and the lies it spread.
  14. JohnB

    Angels can procreate

    No physically touching, no holding hands, no hugs, no kissing, no one on one dating. Only group dating. That is part of the purity movement.
  15. JohnB

    Angels can procreate

    I have never been afraid of intimacy. The purity movement is and so are many churches.
  16. JohnB

    Angels can procreate

    I see the purity movement is still a live in the church today. I hate to see people fall for it.
  17. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    1) no ( I would never marry any woman who said no kissing before marriage) 2) no (may not be the best thing, but I understand it, may have no impact on your marriage) 3) no (hated the purity doctrine) 4) no 5) yes
  18. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    I argued with them over this. Told many of them the idea was stupid and why. Sadly many people and churches follow every wind of doctrine they hear. Very few search the scriptures to see if it's true. I hated the book "I kissed Dating Good Bye" by Josh Harris. Many at Calvary fell head over...
  19. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    The church I WAS going to, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, was very big on purity. I finally left the church for that reason.
  20. JohnB

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    I think the whole purity thing was not biblical. Nowhere in the bible does it say you cannot kiss, hug or hold hands before marriage.