Search results for query: DOTL

  1. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...4:1 "SHOW you") ... not "things" which would unfold over the course of some 2000 years. [and Paul says one of the evidences that "the DOTL" would "be present" (for that to be a true statement)--which ARRIVES "exactly like" the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR;1Th5:3]"--is that "the man...
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    There will be no Rapture!!! SEAL #1 which IS the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR]" that Jesus spoke of (i.e. Matt24:4 / Mk13:5--the VERY FIRST ONE!)... and that "the DOTL" commences with "WRATH" (that which we are promised not to be here for)... The text in 1Th1:10 just says, "[the One delivering us out-from] THE WRATH...
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    ...7-yr period (NOT when there is 3.5 yrs remaining to the Second Coming); --This text (coupled with what we know Paul ALREADY told us re: "the DOTL's ARRIVAL" in 1Th5:3) is saying in v.1, "BY REASON OF ...our episynagoges UNTO HIM" [IN THE AIR] that we should believe NO ONE saying "that the...
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    ...(SEAL #1) / "A CERTAIN ONE [G5100; Mt24:4/Mk13:5!]" bringing deception, at the START of the future 7-yr Trib years (aka, the ARRIVAL of "the DOTL"--JUDGMENTS unfolding upon the earth over SOME TIME [7 yrs / 2520 days]); --you are conflating these two distinct persons; Dan11:31-35 has a...
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    ...HIS TIME' 2Th2:9a,8a,6,3a), corresponding with: "SEAL #1" and Daniel 11:36 (well-prior to the Dan12:1 MID-point) and Dan9:27a[,26b]--IOW, "the DOTL" commences WELL-BEFORE Christ's Second Coming to the earth as many suppose it does (in fact, 7 years before [i.e. 2520 days]); --much more...
  6. T

    Revelation: A Cyclical View the text also states (not after the "birth pangs [plural]" Jesus spoke of are COMPLETED--as others like to suggest, who say this ["the DOTL"] commences at Christ's Second Coming to the earth Rev19). Additionally, the "SEQUENCE ISSUES" of the Olivet Discourse have the 70ad events...
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    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    ...upon the earth OVER SOME TIME--a very specific, future, LIMITED time-period; the "IN THE NIGHT" aspect OF the entire VERY LENGTHY overall "DOTL" which also goes on to INCLUDE the "BLESSINGs" aspect / entire earthly MK age, also) This has nothing whatsoever to do with it. Again, you and I...
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    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    ...Matthew 24:30 is showing... am I reading you right? "The Day of the Lord" is AN EARTHLY-LOCATED TIME-PERIOD... .... which "time-period" (the DOTL) commences / arrives as JUDGMENTS UNFOLDING upon the earth OVER SOME TIME (the "IN THE NIGHT" time-period), prior to when Christ HIMSELF...
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    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    ...this about JESUS' OWN PERSONAL COMING. (Check that out! :) ) [the "IN THE NIGHT" time-period is the TRIBULATION-PERIOD ASPECT OF the "DOTL"... when JUDGMENTS will be unfolding upon the earth, over those 7 years] "IN WHICH / IN THE WHICH" is speaking of a VERY LENGTHY TIME-PERIOD, in...
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    Rapture timing matters?

    ..."moon became as blood" corresponds with Joel 2:31's "moon into blood"... and there says it will take place "BEFORE the GREAT" aspect of "the DOTL"... NOT "before" the day of the Lord" IN ITS ENTIRETY (i.e. not before IT STARTS); whereas what Jesus was describing ("moon shall not give her...
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    Rapture timing matters?

    ...within that "7 year period" we commonly call the Trib; That "7-yr period" is the first aspect OF "the Day of the Lord" very-lengthy time-period (the "IN THE NIGHT" aspect--"the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" will not step one inch into! :) ); but "the DOTL" goes on to ALSO INCLUDE the entire MK age]
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    June 10th, 1967

    ...first of the "birth PANGS" that Jesus listed)].); SO, the sentence would NOT say as you've suggested, but rather, "THE TRIBULATION PERIOD/DOTL will not be present if not [/unless] shall have come THE RAPTURE/DEPARTURE *FIRST* and... Pretribbers (such as myself) are NOT suggesting the...
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    ...(the "SUN of righteousness ARISE" aspect); AND --His 1000-yr reign on / over the earth (the "reign... GLORIOUSLY" aspect); ALL THREE. The DOTL does not COMMENCE until Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE" (Isa3:13; Rev5:6), which has not yet taken place; and we can know this because of Rev5:4's "WAS...
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    Lord's Prayer

    ...for clarification: ...yes, there will indeed be many people who will be coming to faith in Christ IN / DURING / WITHIN the Tribulation period [DOTL-Trib aspect-"IN THE NIGHT" (Judgments unfolding upon the earth)]... (FOLLOWING "our Rapture") --"the Day of the Lord" = EARTHLY-located...
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    Another question for pretribulationist in view of 2 Thessalonians 1:7?

    ...ONE' [bringing deception])... well-prior to the MID-trib point when the AOD takes place (Matt24:15): 1260 days are yet remaining (so IOW, "the DOTL" STARTS with the FIRST "birth PANG" i.e. SEAL #1... at the START of the "7 yr period" we commonly call "the Trib"--not at its MID-point, nor at...
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    Which Bible Verses Will Prepare You for the Post-Tribulation Rapture (and the Great Tribulation Before That?)

    ...INITIAL "birth PANG [Matt24:4 / Mk13:5 - tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE [G5100]'--'A CERTAIN ONE' bringing deception; 1Th5:1-3, i.e the ARRIVAL of "the DOTL" time period of judgments unfolding upon the earth]"... which initial "BP" IS EQUIVALENT to "SEAL #1" (rider on wht horse WITH A 'BOW' i.e...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...possibly be present, without the presence [G3952] of "the man of sin" (the *star character*, so to speak, of the "IN THE NIGHT" segment OF "the DOTL" [i.e.7-yrs-worth]!). But once SEAL #1 / the INITIAL "birth PANG [singular; per 1Th5:1-3 ; Matt24:4/Mk13:5]" happens (which IS the "whose...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ^ 2) liars saying "the day of the Lord [the Trib]" IS PRESENT / IS ALREADY HERE [PERFECT INDICATIVE; transitive verb in Grk] 3) that day (the DOTL / TRIB, from verse 2) will not "BE PRESENT" without the man of sin; they are inextricably connected... the TRIB is the "IN HIS TIME" (v.6); and the...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...a meaning not being conveyed in Paul's words... ... by rearranging the text, and also by [incorrectly] PRESUPPOSING that the subject of the "false claim in verse 2" (the earthly-located DOTL time-period) is the SAME Subject as Paul's VERSE 1 SUBJECT ("our Rapture [IN THE AIR]"), which is it NOT.
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    There will be no Rapture!!! of the Lord WILL [indeed] BE PRESENT" (that which the false claimants [v.2] were purporting was already present, in their day). [he is "revealed" at Seal #1, at the START of the Trib yrs; Paul makes same point in 1Th5:1-3, as I've shown in past posts about the ARRIVAL of the DOTL]