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  1. P

    Please Explain If God Lied Here.

    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen 2:17 Adam and Eve didn't die the day that they ate the fruit. Either God lied or he is not all knowing. I'm sorry for being blasphemous, but I...
  2. P

    Do you think...

    Do you think people should have a right to their own body and a right to choose a religion?
  3. P

    In need of a politics and science section

    I think it would be helpful to be able to get views on politics and science from this site as well as religious perspectives. Did I maybe over look these sections and where they are?
  4. P

    Santa Clause

    Do you promote Santa Clause in your household? Isn't that a sin?
  5. P

    What Role Will The Biblical Creator Have In Space Colonization?

    I'm just curious to this communities thoughts on this. If the world doesn't cease to exist in the next 20-50 years, we will be colonizing space. Does the Bible have any dialogue for space colonization?
  6. P

    Logic vs The Bible

    Hello all. I am interested in your opinions about this. I am not trying to criticize anyone particular but I do want to discuss something said to me earlier. I suggested we were "mere infants in this universe". I was asked how I came up with that. I replied, "it's my own logic". I was later told...
  7. P


    I'm new here. I'm a little intimidated by the rules, I will admit. I'm a theist with very strong opinions about my faith, and I used to be a Christian/Lutheran before I decided to follow what I believe is Gods path for me. I am intimidated by the rules because they seem more inclined to ask...