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  1. Lynx

    A Fun Thread.....Just Pictures

    Sometimes you have to step back to see the big picture. Thankee.
  2. Lynx

    Of Mice, Moles, and Men (Ladies Too!) Tell Us About YOUR Animal Encounters -- Pets, Pests, And Everything In-Between!

    Garfield: I heard that mice carry disease. Mouse: Do you believe everything you hear? Garfield: Yup. Mouse: I heard that if you swing a dead cat around your head at the stroke of midnight by the light of a full moon, it will bring you good luck. Garfield: Touche.
  3. Lynx

    A Fun Thread.....Just Pictures

    I don't get it. New dance move?
  4. Lynx

    Would you like to date someone who single Christian???

    With tact like that I bet you fail every charisma check in every video game ever.
  5. Lynx

    Would You Go on a Blind Date?

    Howdy and welcome to the Forum.
  6. Lynx

    Seeing nsfw by mistake

    Also, howdy and welcome to the Forum.
  7. Lynx

    Seeing nsfw by mistake

    "You can't keep a bird from flying over your head, but you can keep him from making a nest in your beard."
  8. Lynx

    Would you like to date someone who single Christian???

    Howdy and welcome to the Forum. Nobody here knows anything about you yet. You're going to have to give them something to work with. I recommend posting in some ongoing conversations. Give people a chance to get a feel for your personality.
  9. Lynx


    Do you have to drink water? I strongly suggest it, but it's your choice...
  10. Lynx

    Hi,new here greetings to everyone in chat room

    Howdy and welcome to the Forum.
  11. Lynx

    Let's Make the Cheesiest Thread in the World!

    Sometimes I stop by Aldi to see what kind of cheeses they have. A block of parmesan, Gorgonzola, edam, muenster... Their havarti is always pretty good. Yesterday I tried some double smoked cheddar, cheddar with gruyere, cheddar with parmesan and some seriously strong cheddar. Don't tell any...
  12. Lynx

    Let's Make the Cheesiest Thread in the World!

    Nutella is made with skim milk. The primary flavors of Nutella are sugar and skim milk. So, not very good. Not much chocolate at all, not much hazelnut.
  13. Lynx

    Why Are So Many People Gifted With Creativity That Will Never Pay the Bills?

    W*rk is what I do to support my existence. Hobbies are what I do to make my existence fun. Friends are who make my existence mean something. "If you love what you do, you will never w*rk a day in your life." (Sorry, I just can't use that four letter word, even as a quote.) But I've never seen...
  14. Lynx

    Are YOU Taking Crazy Pill? If So, What Kind? (Humorous Choices!)

    Most of those would take out all the challenge, so the kind of people who play those games would start complaining they were too easy. But that orange pill... THAT should have been happening for more than TWO DECADES already! Why is it so difficult to make "find another task" scripts for...
  15. Lynx

    Why Are So Many People Gifted With Creativity That Will Never Pay the Bills?

    COMPLETELY UNRELATED THOUGHT Given human nature today... Extrapolating from what I know of life back then... I'm guessing there were a few elderly people, back in the day when cloth making became commercialized, who complained about, "People don't make their own cloth these days. They just go...
  16. Lynx

    Why Are So Many People Gifted With Creativity That Will Never Pay the Bills?

    Is it necessary to make money on a talent? I think God gave a lot of talents... like, the vast majority of them... to make life better for you and the people around you, not to make money. And for sure making more money can make life better, but so can making something pretty for people to...
  17. Lynx

    Can you find substance in today's smash and pass culture?

    There is nothing so minor and trivial that one cannot put a sanctimonious spin on it. Well done sir. Well played.
  18. Lynx

    Of Mice, Moles, and Men (Ladies Too!) Tell Us About YOUR Animal Encounters -- Pets, Pests, And Everything In-Between!

    Matchmakers get flamethrowers. No exceptions. Nobody gets off easy. I've never been on a date, so I've never been on a bad date. But I'm guessing a bad date would get pity. But not my phone number.
  19. Lynx

    Of Mice, Moles, and Men (Ladies Too!) Tell Us About YOUR Animal Encounters -- Pets, Pests, And Everything In-Between!

    As for my experience with wild animals, I only have one. Once upon a time a raccoon got stuck in my trash can. It was empty so there was no way for him to climb out. I decided to make him unhappy so he would not come back. I wanted him to give my house a zero star Yelp review. So I poured dawn...
  20. Lynx

    Of Mice, Moles, and Men (Ladies Too!) Tell Us About YOUR Animal Encounters -- Pets, Pests, And Everything In-Between!

    Y'know it's interesting that I've never thought about that before. I never considered Samuel's ghost as proof positive, because I have no idea what it was that showed up. And even if it was the spirit of Samuel, it only showed up and went away, not hung around haunting a building or anything...