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  1. P

    The Problem Is...

    The problem with America is it's full of a whole bunch of "Christians" who don't read their Bibles at all or they read them incorrectly. When I made the thread about us "no longer sinning" the amount of people who didn't believe that it was and is possible or the people who were rude and...
  2. P

    God, History, Science

    Okay, so I was having a discussion with someone online about their culture. They mentioned something about karma, to which I pointed out comes directly out of the bible. But they said history says that the vedas book was written long before the scriptures. Now, to me in my head since everything...
  3. P

    Americanized Thinking

    I would like to suggest that a lot of us Christian Americans have been falsely thought to think that we can't live sin free lives. For example my pastor says "we cant be sinless, but we should sin less". And obviously I agree with that and I know I am a sinner saved by grace. But it's that kind...
  4. P

    Americanized Thinking

    I would like to suggest that a lot of us Christian Americans have been falsely thought to think that we can't live sin free lives. For example my pastor says "we cant be sinless, but we should sin less". And obviously I agree with that and I know I am a sinner saved by grace. But it's that kind...
  5. P

    I feel like the man in Romans 7

    Quite frankly, I am feeling trapped in the cycle. The cycle of trying to numb my own pain, and fix things that are clearly broken. The cycle of wanting so desperately to get out, but it seems everyone is in the way. Then it seems like no, it's not them. I stand in my own way. I want to do right...
  6. P

    Forgive Me For I Have Sinned.

    Confession, I broke down and kissed a girl twice seeing how I struggle with same sex attraction this is not a good thing. So I'd like to ask forgiveness from my brothers and sisters that struggle with this same issue. I also would like to confess that I have been letting anger get the best of...
  7. P

    Proverbs just keeps throwing me for loops

    I'm am doing a soul detox plan on the Bible app. And today it was Proverbs 15:1-33 well verse 11 has me completely confused. I feel like I'm staring at exactly what it means, but because God's understanding goes way above and beyond my own I'm lost. Proverbs 15:11 Death and Destruction lie open...
  8. P

    Confused? Proverbs 18:22

    I'm having trouble understanding the second part of this verse. Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it eat it's fruit. Does it refer to the power the tongue has? Such as, filling someone up with encouragement or tearing them down completely. If so what...
  9. P

    Trouble Understanding

    I'm having a little trouble understanding Hebrew 12:2. Hebrew 12:2 NIV fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. I'm trying to figure out if the joy...
  10. P

    Anywhere in History

    If you could go back to anytime in History where would you go and why? I personally would go back to when Jesus blessed this Earth with his presence, and ask him for a hug. :D
  11. P

    Is smoking marijuana okay with God?

    I have suffered with an addiction problem to marijuana. Mainly, because I'm from a long line of addiction. In no way am I saying I have any withdrawal symptoms. I just simply want to smoke it all the time. I personally hear from multiple people that "God made weed", and I think okay, but how...
  12. P

    Hoping You'll Understand

    I'm hoping to find someone to relate to. A little about me well, I'm from the US I struggle with same sex attraction but have recently learned after all these years God does not hate me and indeed just wants me to control my feelings. And that he also, really just doesn't like any sin and really...