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  1. E

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    So because I'm a Christian, that's why bad things are happening to me? Does this mean that if I stop being a Christian, then things might be better?
  2. E

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    Do u think that if Godforbid something bad were to happen to u, do u think you would still serve God? Personally, it’s hard to trust in God idk I just can’t see myself trusting in a God that allowed me to maybe experience bad things in life or have a sickness that I have to live with
  3. E

    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    When someone is depressed, it's hard for them to do things like that
  4. E

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    Also, do bad things happen to good.people because of their past mistakes or ancestors mistakes?
  5. E

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    I'm honestly confused because I don't understand. It doesn't make sense at all when babies are diagnosed with an incurable disease or when someone with a good relationship with God ends up in a terrible accident or ends up dying overall. Why can't God take it easy like how does he expect ppl...
  6. E

    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    Thanks! I've had depression in the past because I got bullied and teased while in high school and I recently graduated but it has gotten worse. I guess it's because I stay at home all the time ever since the virus and I can't really do anything to change my situation. I feel like it made...
  7. E

    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    Over the past few months, I've been depressed and that resulted in drifting away from God because no matter how much I prayed or how much I stayed in God's presence, nothing changed. I'm honestly really tired of life and I just find it hard to do things. Unfortunately, I can't see a therapist...
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    Looking for friends

    Hi, we can get to know each other
  9. E

    How can I love God like how others do?

    Thanks a lot for replying 🥰
  10. E

    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    What exactly do u mean? Care to elaborate?
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    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    Ohh I'm not Catholic and thanks for responding 🥰
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    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    I'd just like to have a close, loving relationship with God but I don't know how exactly
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    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    So 2020 might not be the end
  14. E

    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    I haven't been a good Christian that's why I'm afraid. I try to be so but I go back to sin. I also don't even know much about the gospel to spread it to others. I guess that is why I am scared of the end because I feel like I don't love God. I don't have that fervent feeling for God I guess and...
  15. E

    Is the end near with everything that's going on?

    A lot is happening with the world and a friend that I'm talking to always talks about his dream and visions of it being the end of the world. I am honestly scared because I just feel like I haven't done enough. Also, that friend said something about March 2020- November 2022 being the end. I...
  16. E

    How can I love God like how others do?

    I want to be passionate with following God like I love that God sent Jesus to die for us but I just want to live him with my heart and be a faithful Christian. I want to have a true and loving relationship with Him.
  17. E

    I want to go to God, but I feel so bad...

    I also feel the same way 24/7 ya know I look at my sister and see the connection she has with God and I feel like it is stupid to keep on trying when I'll always fall back to sin. However, God doesn't expect us to be like anyone. He just wants us to spend more time with him. I ran away from God...
  18. E

    Read please

    Ohh yeah. I completely understand . Hopefully, God will send the right friends to us.