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  1. D

    Free will to have abortion or live gay life.

    Please understand I am a new believer. I lived a very sinful lifestyle. And because of all the shame and guilt I felt, I had a really hard time getting to the place I am now. I recently gave my life to God. And got baptized Easter Sunday. Now I am happier and feel more free than ever before. I...
  2. D

    I need a little help!

    I totally agree. We as Christians are suppose to be ambassadors on the front lines. But here is where I disagree. We are to be ambassadors. A light in the darkness. A guide post for the righteous. But does it not also say in the Bible that we are not to dictate to others. That is to demand...
  3. D

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    So I am reading this and thinking" ok, God is telling us to go out and teach. But there is nothing said about us as humans demanding others follow God's law. We teach and hope our words fall on good soil. But we should not make demands of others. God is the only being who can demand. And when...
  4. D

    I need a little help!

    I am a 62 year old man who, as far as I know have never had a relationship with God. I have spent the last twenty years of my life going to therapy and a lot of soul searching trying to understand why I turned into the person I did. A very evil, sinful person. But recently I have figured out...
  5. D

    Hello all.

    Hi, I am a 62 year old male in Florida. I'm married for the third and final time. With the way the world is developing and what limited knowledge I have of the Bible, It seems the end times are close and something is urging me develop faith. For the past ten years or so I have been feeling an...