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  1. S

    The pork laden Corona "relief" bill

    Dem's should be ashamed. This travesty of a bill gives illegal aliens $1,200. and American's but $600. And how do they know where to send the checks to illegals but claim they don't know where illegals are in order to arrest them? Smithsonian gets 1Billion! They're closed. Kennedy Center...
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    Time to move on.

    Bye and God be with you. With your issues that you kindly shared with us I believe you've made a wise decision. There are those who will exploit those weaknesses, as they see them, and feel good about it. Sometimes it helps to take a break. That's what I did and likely shall again. There are...
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    Is numerology biblical?

    Yes, it is Biblical.
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    In the legal vote count President Trump won by a landslide. Lou Dobbs + Sidney Powell - Release The Kraken - Full Interview HD

    You know those Domestic Terrorists that were destroying cities were actually paid scum/thugs on George Soros payroll, right? Get a clue man! George is declared enemy of the state in Hungary, his homeland. And in Israel, since he's a Jew. He should be declared as such in America. George is only...
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    In the legal vote count President Trump won by a landslide. Lou Dobbs + Sidney Powell - Release The Kraken - Full Interview HD

    Felonies! Multiple felonies. Affidavits are abundant and from people who witnessed fraud. In Michigan illiterate people were hired to count the ballots. ILLITERATE PEOPLE!? It's like RG said in his press conference, and it is absolutely true, with all the affidavits and other evidence thus far...
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    Absolute Must Watch! Election Fraud In Michigan Proven

    And they call Republicans dreamers. :LOL: Biden, not a genius, announced he's appointing Peter Neffenger, the CEO of Smartmatic, one of the companies in collusion with Dominion voting machines company and their theft of this election, to his transition team. Paying back those who helped you...
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    No confirmation email

    Thanks. Please update this thread if things are resolved. :) Blessings,
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    Absolute Must Watch! Election Fraud In Michigan Proven

    Absolute Must Watch! Election Fraud In Michigan Proven Nov 23, 2020 Everyone involved in this theft of this election, all federal felonies, should be arrested and held accountable. Michigan employed illiterate people to count the ballots.
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    No confirmation email

    I just posted about this here. Members of a different site have been PMing others who may be CC members already. They've registered here for the chat feature especially. They go through the registration process and get the message a confirmation link was sent to their email but it never arrives...
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    Registration issues? New registrants not receiving confirmation emails though the system says it was sent & resent?

    I am a member of another site and there people are PMing one another to see if others are members here and asking that question. Since I am I thought I'd post here since those who aren't getting their email confirmations even after resend requests cannot. Also, are there email servers the...
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    US 2020 Election Machines, (Dominion/Smartmatic) (George Soros) With Ties To Venezuela (Fraud)?

    I have a feeling we ain't seen nothing yet. The Leftist enemies of this country, their Globalist masters, are so intent on their own agenda that at this point they don't fear leaving a paper trail. Or even consider that the plebes they enlist to do their bidding are able to come forward and...
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    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    You're ridiculous and know nothing of American Jurisprudence.
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    I would pray that people, especially new Christians, know that the doctrines within Arminian theology and Calvinist, are not the only doctrines pertaining to our faith.
  14. S

    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    Maybe it is time to realize Paul was speaking of his own weakness. And as such that is a warning to Christians. Not a message from Christ. We are to discern the messages in the scripture and part of that is to realize Paul's weaknesses are not the church. They are Paul venting about Paul.
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    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    I love when foreigners who hate America cut on American citizens and America. They're the laughingstock. Christians have every right to be upset and concerned with blatant theft and corruption in our electoral process. Christians do not make excuses for criminality nor do they side with the...
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    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    Likely because Demon George is said to have bought Fox News? Soros has made no secret that his goal in life is to destroy the American Republic. Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for...
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    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    I like One America News. Many news outlets called pervBiden the winner before the election evening was over and the polls closed. That tells us something. Their owners were so sure the fraud plan would be a success they couldn't help themselves to perform as most corrupt media outlets do; be...
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    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    Those who are in Christ do not make a habit of sinning. Those who do habitually sin are not in Christ. It really is that simple. If we are still sinners after accepting Christ and being reborn, then the entire gospel is a lie. We cannot be what we were prior to Christ once we've been redeemed...
  19. S

    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    You have to actually open your eyes and mind first. Then you'll see the evidence.