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  1. Paran

    "The Simplicity : That is IN Christ"

    When the person does not understand The Cross of Christ, they always try to keep themselves saved.
  2. Paran

    "The Simplicity : That is IN Christ"

    "Redemption" : that is the "simplicity that is IN Christ" I'll post it 2X for you, #1 & #2.... i'll explain it twice for you, so that it'll stick in your head and in your heart, is the idea. It could be that you are asked to explain this, at some point, and you dont want to be caught in the...
  3. Paran

    tithing a way out of poverty

    Getting a Job is the beginning of financial security. And regarding "tithing"... Understand it like this. Everything you have, belongs to God, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious. So, that includes your money. Its His, and you get to use it. And that means, when...
  4. Paran

    Luke 12:47 does this mean we'll be beaten in heaven?

    Christians are not servants. Christians are SONs/Daughter's of God, who serve. Big difference.
  5. Paran

    How do you know when to leave a church?

    1.) If you find out that the doctrine of the church, (Denomination) teaches ..."water washes away your sin". (Water baptism is required for Salvation) 2.) If you find out the the Pastor or Church (Denomination) teaches that you can ""Lose your Salvation"" 3.) If you ask the Pastor, or...
  6. Paran

    Did Jesus take the punishment for our sins?

    "God hath made be sin.......for us". "Jesus is the ONE TIME......ETERNAL........SACRIFICE........for sin".
  7. Paran

    Is faith WITHOUT works dead to GOD or Is faith WITHOUT works dead to man?

    Notice that the verse does not say that dead faith will stay that way. In Fact, James is teaching the opposite.
  8. Paran

    Facebook deletes "Jesus" saying it is hate speech

    Did you ever notice that the Facebook Icon, the emblem, is The CROSS, deformed? Zuckerberg is mocking The Cross with His Facebook "F" Look... - -
  9. Paran

    Do you think transgenders go to heaven?

    The Born again "go to heaven" If you're not, you wont be going, and water baptism can't do that for you.