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  1. J

    Our Enemies As Christians

    Hello brother. Excellent subject. It's how much persecution we're going to take. We May have to correct our enemies to get some respect. In 1 Corinthians chapter 3 Apostle Paul talks about those Christian still on milk. They are still carnal minded. This group is spiritually dead. They do...
  2. J

    Settling the Elect and Predestination Question

    Excellent job. Im proud of you. It took courage to Post a possible controversial subject. You told the truth. Peace.
  3. J

    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    I can point you to luke chapter 16 Jesus taught Two sides of the Gulf. Wicked on side of sheol, called hell. It's holding place for the spiritually dead and wicked until judgment Day. Side of paradise. This is where righteous are. They repent and love and serve God. Wicked won't repent and...
  4. J

    Jezebel Queen of False Prophets and the Jezebel Spirit

    There is variety of opinions on jezable Spirit. From lust to false doctrine. In 1 kings chapter 16. Jezable brought baal priests to Israel She was heathen. Satan heads baal worship. She forced people to worship baal. Now a characterize of her, may define what is meant by jezebel Spirit...
  5. J

    One will be taken, one left

    I don't believe in the rapture. One Left in Field, and taken. Those who stay in the field, keep planting seeds for God, they weren't deceived by Satan as antichrist. Those taken, this group worshiped antichrist. They lack knowledge of God's word. Matthew chapter 25 Parable of ten virgins...