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  1. Oncefallen

    Minimum age ?

    United States law requires persons under the age of 13 to have specific parental permission to be on social media sites and since there is no practical way for a small site such as this to verify veracity of such permission we block users under the age of 13. Likewise if someone is found to...
  2. Oncefallen

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    Terms Of Service
  3. Oncefallen

    What are you thinking about right now?

    I've been keeping an eye on the Hughes Fire (and the Hurst fire a while back) since Santa Clarita (where I grew up) sits all too close to them.
  4. Oncefallen

    What are you thinking about right now?

    Believe me, I've thought plenty about leaving here in recent years albeit more politically motivated than weather.
  5. Oncefallen

    What are you thinking about right now?

    What are you complaining about? It's a balmy 06 here. Almost t-shirt weather
  6. Oncefallen

    Looking for the chat rooms

    Chat has been down for quite a while.
  7. Oncefallen

    What are you thinking about right now?

    Well, after seeing this post, I'm thinking that it's good to know that you haven't been grilled well done in light of your local catastrophes.
  8. Oncefallen

    Are they shooting a new apocalyptic movie in LA?

    Your numbers based on averages is waaaaaay off. The total number evacuated is half of your "average estimated" since the areas affected are extremely hilly thus the population density is low. More than likely your estimated damages might actually be low since the community of Pacific Palisades...
  9. Oncefallen

    Are they shooting a new apocalyptic movie in LA?

    The sad thing is that although wildfires in the hills of southern California are just something that has always happened, decades of terrible state policies have made the likelihood of these insane conflagrations exponentially more likely. Back in the 70's and 80's fire departments (when...
  10. Oncefallen

    How do I open up the ratings box?

    Use a different browser. This is an issue beyond our control that seems to only affect (that I am aware) Microsoft Edge.
  11. Oncefallen

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    And I'll keep rejecting the reports. This isn't Facebook where people get banned for saying something that hurt your feelings. Regardless of whether I disagree with the user's opinions or not, he hasn't violated our TOS. Interestingly enough, if people stop replying to the user, he'll have...
  12. Oncefallen

    the Sabbath

    As usual, the SDA adherents can't discuss this subject without going over the deep end.
  13. Oncefallen

    find threads?

    My best guess is that the OP is using the "find" tab within his profile rather than the search function at the upper right corner of the page. I intended to reply to this when I approved the thread but got distracted.
  14. Oncefallen


    Albeit I have no idea where you are seeing a supposed SMS button; no, the site does not support text messaging.
  15. Oncefallen

    Posting Videos

    If you are asking about capability (can); yes, you can post YouTube videos. If you are asking about permission (may); they are subject to the same TOS as any other content which includes not utilizing this site to advertise/promote. Unfortunately over the years we've had entirely too many...
  16. Oncefallen

    Old User Question About Chat App

    The app is completely offline and has been for a while. I have no idea when (or if) it will be back since I am not involved in that function.
  17. Oncefallen

    Sharing Netflix -password with family

    I am appalled that a professing Christian can rationalize theft of services, but to go to the extent of promoting a site that has the sole purpose of violating international copyright laws is a step too far.
  18. Oncefallen

    Do pastors know who gives what?

    That is really going to vary from one congregation to the next. In churches that I've been involved with, the pastors have no access to those records (or the church bank accounts).
  19. Oncefallen

    How did you vote?

    I'm cringing as I approve this because I know darn well that it's going to turn into a mud slinging contest. All I can say is keep it civil.
  20. Oncefallen

    "Reply" button not appearing

    It is not ALL non Apple devices. The last that I knew, it was specific to the Microsoft Edge browser, I use Firefox and have had no issues. Unfortunately, when there are literally tens of thousands of different websites that a browser has to interact with, from time to time a browser update...