Being Set Free and Living Free 1994 Gospel Light
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Don’t wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving. You will never get there. Your emotions will begin to heal once you have obeyed God’s command to forgive. Satan will have lost his power over you in that are and God’s healing touch will take over. For now, it is freedom that will be gained, not necessarily a feeling.
As you pray, God may bring to mind painful memories that you had totally forgotten. Let Him do this, even if it hurts. God wants you to be free; forgiving these people is the only way. Don’t try to excuse the offender’s behavior, even if it is someone close to you.
Remember that forgiveness is dealing with your own pain and leaving the other person to deal with God. Good feelings will follow in time. Freeing yourself from the past is the critical issue right now.
Don’t say, “Lord, please help me to forgive.” He already is helping you and will be with you all the way through the process. Don’t say, “Lord, I want to forgive” because that bypasses the hard choice we have to make. Say, “Lord, I forgive.”
As you move down your list, stay with each individual until you are sure you have dealt with all the remembered pain, everything they did that hurt you, and how they made you feel. (rejected, unloved, unworthy, dirty, etc)
It’s time to begin. For each person on your list pray aloud:
Lord, I forgive…….for (say what they did to hurt you)…even though it made me feel…(share the painful memories for feelings).
Conclude with:
Lord, I choose not to hold any of these things against (name) any longer. I thank You for setting me free from the bondage of my bitterness toward him (or her). I choose now to ask You to bless (name). In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God is so great!!! He keeps sending me messages that speak right to my soul.
I received a letter one day. I hadn't yet been consumed with anger, hatred, and this intense painful thought that God had turned his face against me. The letter came in a neon green envelope. Had no return address. Tearing it open I saw the sender and i smiled. It was from my sister.Their daughter. My measuring stick for my entire childhood (and perhaps much later). As I began to read what she'd typed to me, my lip curled and I began breathing heavily. I could feel it. Growing. And I ignored it. My body began to shake and i was gripping the letter so hard my fingers began to hurt. As I tried reading thru the tears that just poured out of my eyes, silent sobbing, It happened. Satan planted the hatred right next to the seed of doubt.
I have to get it out of me. THIS has been Satan's favorite ploy. Reminding me of this letter, sent by a woman who attended church religiously, homeschooled her children, studied her bible with our Mom and favored by our Dad. I looked up to Amy. Hated her, but she was my sister and she was so responsible. So... Christian. I thought. This woman who had watched and smiled while her father destroyed 4 little lives, sent me a letter to tell me SHE forgave ME. i was beyond shaken. She wrote to tell me i was forgiven. She didn't specify what for. I was just forgiven. Satan gripped me harder as I read on. She wrote in her letter that I had acted as God, played God, when I stood against our father and put him in prison. (Wow. I'm not angry. I'm feeling sorry for this woman.) She told me how she had prayed for trials and tribulations in my life because of this. She ended with asking for my forgiveness. The deal was done. Satan had his little victory. I laughed. I laughed a laugh I NEVER want to hear again. The intense hatred took me over. That letter.
That was the start of my depression. That's when doubt became so complete I totally forgot about one of Gods greatest and most visible miracles I myself had witnessed. We were in a storm so severe that our boys were terrified. The lightning bolts could be seen thru the blinds in our yard. My husband had grown up with and passed onto us, "in a storm, be still." So we all were seated together on the couch. I walked over and got our bible. Just wanted comfort. It was a verrryy scary storm. I handed my husband the bible and it fell open as he grabbed the spine of it, so he read from there. (We were in a financial bind at the time, nothing life altering, just difficulty) He read "deliverance will come to you this day." We looked at each other over our kid's heads and just smiled. Comfort delivered. Later after the storm had passed, I walked to the mailbox,our yard a virtual flood. In the mailbox was a check, for $2,000. From a friend. Deliverance had come that day!! Exactly as God had shown us in his Word. We went to our church around the corner and shared that day what God had done for us. Not in a testimony, but to our pastor.
My eyes are not clouded. My min is not closed. Satan is is fleeing!!!!!!!! I have forgotten so many blessings! So many things God had done to carry us through our hardships. He absolutely did carry me and like an ungrateful donkeys rear end I let Satan convince me with that letter that I was unworthy. That I was not God's daughter, Amy was. ( like God isn't not enough for ALL of us!!)
I am being uplifted. The clouds of doubt are leaving me. I am claiming victory over Satan with every move towards God's unchanging love. That letter. Satan's doorway. How did I miss it? That letter wasn't so bad. I should have simply prayed for her. But I let Satan in.
Student, amazing posts. God given. Step by step instructions on how to truly forgive. Thank you Jesus for these guys on CC. A blessing I can't even explain. Im so blessed. I'm so loved. God's love (insert heart)
Just. WOW! I'm in total amazement at God's grace and healing power. I'd forgotten so much!!! So many blessings. So many friends I shut out as I let Satan lead me to my destruction. God never hid from me. I turned my back on him. Father forgive me for not trusting in you, your power over Satan.
(I'm going to be offline tomorrow until next weekend. Please keep me in your prayers that I will hang onto my Jesus and keep seeking him out. That Satan won't find a single way in, but if he does, he's no quitter, that I will recognize it immediately for what it is and DOUBT NOT!!! GODS LOVE FOR ME!!!)
Im so thankful for you. All of you. For allowing yourself to be tools towards my healing. These words are so spot on. I believe they are absolutely inspired. God's grace is overflowing. May I never turn off the faucett again!!!
God bless you until it hurts!!!!! I love you in Christ Jesus xox