The modern gospel teaches us that repentance is merely asking for forgiveness or asking Jesus into your heart. This is not biblical repentance. The Greek word the New Testament translates as repentance is metanoia. It literally means to to change one's perception,or to turn away from our previous way of thinking. It is represented by a transformative change of heart. Ones position towards their previous and present sin should be one of sorrow of regret. If the heart is turned TO God then it is turned FROM sin. In fact the life of a believer is marked by constant repentance, not necessarily perfect response. The biggest different between the Christian and the unrepentant isn't perfection but direction. As I said earlier the heart is turned FROM and TOWARDS Christ in submission and surrender . The doctrine of Repentance as taught in the Bible is a call to persons to make a radical turn from one way of life to another. The repentance (metanoia) called for throughout the Bible is a summons to a personal, absolute and ultimate unconditional surrender to God as Sovereign. We surrender our will to that of the Lord. We should have a growing hatred for the things God hates, and an increasing desire for the behaviors, emotions, and characteristics that God loves. None of this is at all possible without regeneration in Christ. This is the evidence of true repentance and it is a gift that occurs as a result of regeneration.