Hey CC! Since it's a stressful week for us Americans, I thought it would be fun to lighten up the mood a bit! Wouldn't it be funny if we had a little CC mascot or 'President' of our own? Vote for your CC President now (unofficially; just for fun!) The voting ends in four days. Make this fun and you all can add little stories to the characters in the thread. Make it interesting! Will there be a third party? What gossip will come out? Who are the VP picks? I leave that up to you! I hope it's fun! I've had fun making this already haha. I picked generic looking animals so ya'll can add pictures of any brown labs or orange cats to add to the stories.
This is Champ and he's running for the Blue Party. He loves chasing squirrels, hunting, and digging lots of holes. Champ graduated from Yell University, where he majored in marking fire hydrants. He believes that everyone should have at least one hour a day to run around and play. Champ is always getting into something especially garbage. Although he is sometimes distracted, Champ's heart is in the right place.
Champs for Champ!
Pumpkin is a cat like no other. Running for the Red Party, Pumpkin would like for you to know that he's the best and most intelligent cat there is! Why wouldn't you vote for him? He enjoys sleeping, making biscuits, and starring in podcasts. From his humble roots of working at McDonalds, Pumpkin's dream for the future is to make CC the best forum there is! CC should come first before all forums. He will work hard to make that happen! Even though Pumpkin's ego can get him into trouble at times, he is committed to working hard.
Make CC Great Again!

This is Champ and he's running for the Blue Party. He loves chasing squirrels, hunting, and digging lots of holes. Champ graduated from Yell University, where he majored in marking fire hydrants. He believes that everyone should have at least one hour a day to run around and play. Champ is always getting into something especially garbage. Although he is sometimes distracted, Champ's heart is in the right place.
Champs for Champ!

Pumpkin is a cat like no other. Running for the Red Party, Pumpkin would like for you to know that he's the best and most intelligent cat there is! Why wouldn't you vote for him? He enjoys sleeping, making biscuits, and starring in podcasts. From his humble roots of working at McDonalds, Pumpkin's dream for the future is to make CC the best forum there is! CC should come first before all forums. He will work hard to make that happen! Even though Pumpkin's ego can get him into trouble at times, he is committed to working hard.
Make CC Great Again!

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