"God does it ALL, man does nothing at all" , I am not trying to say we don't respond to it, or that there are not choices that we are making. There absolutely are, and if you believe you get some kind of credit or reason to boast for this, then that's between you and God, but what I'm trying to convey is that if God wasn't acting on your heart, drawing you in, opening your eyes and heart to His truth, you'd have never come His way. That's why Ephesians 2 tells us this-
" For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Salvation is a gift of God, and although gifts are often asked for, as far as "choosing God", sometimes they are not and the giver just surprises them with it. This was how God saved me and why I so strongly testify they way I do. When I made "the choice" so many people believe saves us, I wasn't saved and was a false convert unknowingly for 5 years or so. However once some truly hard trials hit and I couldn't see God helping me out they way I needed and thought He would be I came to the conclusion He wasn't really real and there was no reason to keep believing is silly pointless things. I wasn't mad at Him, I didn't go "anti-God", I just no longer wanted to waste my time with silly beliefs for no reason anymore. Yet God granted me repentance and brought me to my knees just the same. At the time it happened I had no clue what had happen. All I knew was I saw clearly everything I had done with my 33 year old life and it wasn't pretty. It broke me.
It was then and there I decided that the world won, that "I" couldn't do this (life) anymore, and I quit it all. LOL I guess I quit life at that point, but the one thing I know I did not do that night, I did not "choose Jesus" as we would think about it at all. God brought me to my knees and I wasn't even sure why I was on them. I woke up the next day new. I go into the details on this here way to often so if you want to know more I'll share, but it was at lunch the next day that I KNEW whatever had happened, it was God, and I knew Jesus was His Son.
So my point here is that when I was working this stuff out in my head and with the Spirit, thinking about the true power of "our choice" and the part it plays in salvation. I was thinking how can I have free will, come to Jesus and choose Him, get saved, and then not be free to walk away from Him if I choose? There was no way we can choose to come to Him and then be made a slave as a result. I just couldn't reconcile this in my mind. Then it hit me.
I didn't choose Him. When I did do what most would think of as getting saved, responding to the altar call, repeating the prayer with all my heart, and even being dunked under water for good measure and declared saved by my spiritual leader at the time, I was not saved. Yet when I was saved I had no idea what was going on, in my head didn't even believe God was real anymore, and most defiantly did not make any choice about my salvation at all, yet was gifted repentance at this moment. Given this I can only conclude that I had 100% nothing at all to do with my salvation. it was 100% God and if not -1000% me, then it was 0% me for sure. While this is very obvious in my case, I believe it is just as true for the person who did the exact same thing I did the first time, responds to the altar call, and does so in truth and is the way God uses to save them. Even in this case I believe the person gets as much "credit" for their salvation as I do in mine. No matter how it plays out, it's 100% God and 0% us. This is just the truth.