I cannot think of a any other way to explain that the KOG and earthly entities including family and government co-exist and should not be divorced but rather the KOG should influence them to become better. Perhaps if I share what I posted on the website:
TOJ #34: Desire God’s will to be done. [MT 6:10//LK 11:2c] This is a significant restatement of TOJ #2. “On earth” begins with the prayer’s own life. Jesus exemplified this teaching when He prayed in Gethsemane before His crucifixion {MT 26:39-42//MK 14:36}. God is not our genie; we are His ministers, who cooperate with His Holy Spirit (PHP 2:12-13) in doing His work (EPH 2:10). Thus, there is an implicit condition in “whatever you ask for”, i.e., we must ask in accordance with God’s will (TOJ #51).
Jesus prayed for the Kingdom of God (KOG) or God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, referring to His spiritual reign in the hearts of believers, as in LK 17:20b-21, “The coming of the KOG is not something that can be observed, nor will people say. Here it is, or there it is, because the KOG is in your midst.” The KOG is manifested in the world as salt and light or as love and truth (cf. TOJ #19). Examples of such love are mentioned in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (MT 25:31-46, TOJ #35). In the writings of Paul, the KOG is called the body (1CR 12:13, EPH 1:23&5:30) or church of Christ (CL 1:13&18, EPH 2:22, 3:10 & 5:23), which is comprised of local churches (ACTS 9:31, 20:28).
Good morning sergeant (even though it’s 1PM).
I’m glad to see we’re doing another round after we completed a full circle on the previous 10 pages.
This is what it’s all about.
The KOG is in us like you’ve said a few times for which I agree with.
The KOG is then represented by us in the physical form, to be the salt of the earth, as ambassadors of Christ to bring people closer to the KOG which of course is not MAGA. This is the part that you can’t process but it’s okay.
The important thing when we look at the life of Jesus is that He didn’t come here to be a military commander like the Jews wanted but He came here to defeat Death itself.
This is how you know you’re dealing with the real God and not a mediocre human god who would win another military victory that might be forgotten in a few centuries.
No, He did the only thing that only God can do.
Defeat Death itself! No human can do this. This is how you know you’re dealing with the real deal.
This is also why Jesus didn’t said:
“Surely you know I could ask my Father, and he would give me more than twelve armies of angels. But it must happen this way to bring about what the Scriptures say"
He didn’t lower Himself to using weapons basically, which might be your favorite thing to do.
Because why would God use any stupid and dumb human weapons when He could speak the universe out of existence just like He spoke it into existence?
So to recap sergeant, we are now separated from God since The Garden and we find ourselves as Christians yearning for union with God in the real KOG and in the meantime we try to show others about Christ so we can bring them to the KOG too.
This of course doesn’t mean MAGA or any other dumb political party in the planet earth which Jesus wants nothing to do with.
No, this has to do with the real KOG where He is supreme and where we will be in union again with Him but with more appreciation out of free will.