We have waited a year and a few months for my husband to meet with the determination Dr. For SSDI. It's tomorrow am.
I am asking for prayer that the disabilities are found and SSDI is granted after the Dr meets with my hubby tomorrow. His name is Rick. Thank you.
The doctor is not the determining factor completely. He just testifies as to whether the medical reports are accurate.
The judge at the hearing makes the determination whether he qualifies under the law for SSDI or not.
Do not get your hopes up.
Most cases are denied the first time unless he is dying, paraplegic or some other malady. (It's really disgusting how tight the parameters are for receiving disability are) lawyers can help but they take a portion of the back pay. One tiny mistake along the way with paperwork and you will have to either refile or get an appeal.
Just saying....the judge can only adjudicate by the laws on the books....he won't defy them. (Despite his personal opinion)