I have studied Catholicism. Where Protestants go awry with Catholics is that there is a very large gap of misunderstandings and misconceptions.
Before I started looking into Catholicism, I listened to a lot of Protestant opinions on Catholics and many other topics and what I tend to find out after doing research on the topics, is that the general opinion that many Protestants have, tend to be wrong and misguided by misunderstandings and misconceptions.
Catholics are Christian, it is ludicrous to think that Protestants are the "true" Christians and that there were a 1,000 years of non-Christians who thought they were Christians and they called themselves Catholics. Did the Catholic Church have issues, yes! But so does Protestantism and that does not make Protestants non-Christians.
Where Protestants go awry with this is that Protestants don't tend to study Catholicism. Protestants tend to gut the Catholic faith, and then make strawman arguments concerning Catholics. When you actually study that time period, it is quite fascinating. There is a lot of intellectual wrangling that has formed the intellectual foundation of the modern world.
I read one Catholic author Robert Sugenis which changed my view of Catholics and I would recommend that anyone interested in understanding Catholicism read these three books: Not by Scripture Alone, Not by Faith Alone, and Not By Bread Alone. You will get a historical, biblical, traditional, and a Catholic understanding of these issues. But what I find interesting is that he brings a lot of information together and demonstrates why they believe they what they believe.
I study Philosophy and many of the Philosophers that I read, interestingly, many of them are Catholic. Like, Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Louis Chretien, John Caputo, Gianni Vattimo, and others. What is sad is that the topics these guys cover, there are almost no Protestants.
Protestants have abandoned the intellect that Catholics still hold onto and Protestants are being left behind in the fields that are very important to understanding why the world is the way it is today, like Phenomenology, Psychology of Religion, The Death of God/Nihilism, Death of God Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Phenomenology, and other similar fields. Having studied these areas, to be fair, the only two Protestants that are looking into this are Aaron Simmons and Bruce Ellis Benson that I am aware of and are published. But Catholics are miles ahead in these areas and they are influencing the people that studying it, the other group that is just as influential are Athiest.
I would recommend, read up on the Catholic Church and their doctrines, and stop taking other peoples wrong opinions on these issues. Fulton Sheen stated:
“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
I have come to believe he is correct.
Before I started looking into Catholicism, I listened to a lot of Protestant opinions on Catholics and many other topics and what I tend to find out after doing research on the topics, is that the general opinion that many Protestants have, tend to be wrong and misguided by misunderstandings and misconceptions.
Catholics are Christian, it is ludicrous to think that Protestants are the "true" Christians and that there were a 1,000 years of non-Christians who thought they were Christians and they called themselves Catholics. Did the Catholic Church have issues, yes! But so does Protestantism and that does not make Protestants non-Christians.
Where Protestants go awry with this is that Protestants don't tend to study Catholicism. Protestants tend to gut the Catholic faith, and then make strawman arguments concerning Catholics. When you actually study that time period, it is quite fascinating. There is a lot of intellectual wrangling that has formed the intellectual foundation of the modern world.
I read one Catholic author Robert Sugenis which changed my view of Catholics and I would recommend that anyone interested in understanding Catholicism read these three books: Not by Scripture Alone, Not by Faith Alone, and Not By Bread Alone. You will get a historical, biblical, traditional, and a Catholic understanding of these issues. But what I find interesting is that he brings a lot of information together and demonstrates why they believe they what they believe.
I study Philosophy and many of the Philosophers that I read, interestingly, many of them are Catholic. Like, Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Louis Chretien, John Caputo, Gianni Vattimo, and others. What is sad is that the topics these guys cover, there are almost no Protestants.
Protestants have abandoned the intellect that Catholics still hold onto and Protestants are being left behind in the fields that are very important to understanding why the world is the way it is today, like Phenomenology, Psychology of Religion, The Death of God/Nihilism, Death of God Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Phenomenology, and other similar fields. Having studied these areas, to be fair, the only two Protestants that are looking into this are Aaron Simmons and Bruce Ellis Benson that I am aware of and are published. But Catholics are miles ahead in these areas and they are influencing the people that studying it, the other group that is just as influential are Athiest.
I would recommend, read up on the Catholic Church and their doctrines, and stop taking other peoples wrong opinions on these issues. Fulton Sheen stated:
“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
I have come to believe he is correct.
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