You example shows a sort of multiple choice. You are given four choices in which the theologians have allowed.
But what happens when all they allowed choices are all in error? Now they have you boxed in, contained if you will. And this is what man does. Man lays restrictions on top of what God laid. God liberates us, Man restricts us.
In this case man has restricted you to choose the following:
1. Historic Premillennialism
2. Postmillennialism
3. Amillennialism
4. Dispensationalist Premillennialism.
Now what if I choose none of the above? Then some man like Dino246 insults me, and other men give him thumbs up for insulting me.
Jeremiah 17:5
New International Version
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.
Jeremiah 17:7
New International Version
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
But what happens when all they allowed choices are all in error? Now they have you boxed in, contained if you will. And this is what man does. Man lays restrictions on top of what God laid. God liberates us, Man restricts us.
In this case man has restricted you to choose the following:
1. Historic Premillennialism
2. Postmillennialism
3. Amillennialism
4. Dispensationalist Premillennialism.
Now what if I choose none of the above? Then some man like Dino246 insults me, and other men give him thumbs up for insulting me.
Jeremiah 17:5
New International Version
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.
Jeremiah 17:7
New International Version
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
No one taught me theology. We had a professor and an excellent text book, but the basic principle was that the prof would give out the basic forms of theology, then we would examine for ourselves to see what we believed, and then it could be confirmed by comparing to the theory, and more important, the Bible!
For example, we learned about the ideas about how we are saved, decide what we believe, and defend it.
Eschatology has 4 different patterns:
1. Historic Premillennialism
2. Postmillennialism
3. Amillennislism
4. Dispensationalist PreMillennialist
So, you learn the 4 viewpoints. But you don't have to believe they are all true, or none is true. But you do need to understand what each viewpoint is, even if you disagree with it. And if you understand one viewpoint, know the verses that support it, so you can discuss and debate both sides.
Further, you need to understand different denominations and compare and contrast it to the Bible. A good seminary doesn't teach you what to say, but rather, it teaches us how to use the tools with our minds, but also it helps in our spiritual formation. God gave me so many tools to preach and teach! A good seminary won't demand you believe things you don't agree with. A bad seminary will demand conformity to a long set of rules of the denominations
Well, it is obvious you know little about scholarship or widely accepted views. If you have some kind of 5 or 6th view, I'm sure everyone would love to hear it. However, don't bother if you are going to use made up ideas about theology. You seem to know nothing, I would assume that includes no clue about theology, eschatology, etc. But I am always open to listen to something new. But likely you won't convince me. Feel free to follow your own lights, and let God be with those who can biblically defend their hermeneutics!
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