For like 6 years I didn’t even think about it when I accepted Jesu. Then in 2020, after visiting Mensa’s Las Vegas president for a week (they literally grew marijuana in their house), I ended up giving in cause I took a plane ride by myself their that they paid for, they paid for all of my food and even gave me an allowance for the week. I ruined my witness by smoking almost the whole time I was there. Then when I got back home, there was an edible that was in the fridge that was my mom’s, that must have been in there for a year or longer. My dumb*ss eats the whole thing and this is right before Covid. So I think that I have Covid cause I have trouble breathing. I call my friend Josh and while I’m talking to him, it is super comforting and I’m thinking in my head “am I gay?” Then I go into the bathroom to take a bath and try and find razor blade to kill myself but that was the last time that I thought I was gay and it was brought on by that edible.
They need party hats and those annoying curled up birthday blow horns.