That's why Sidney Powell said she was guilty of promoting election fraud when there was no election fraud and there will be more pleas to come proving that the election was not stolen.
This is like saying the mafia is not involved in any criminal activity because they keep hiding the evidence making it hard to prove conclusively that they are.
You do know that the CIA is very skilled at rigging elections in other countries? And have been doing exactly that for decades? In such a way that it's hard to prove even though there are unexplained irregularities that wouldn't be there if the elections were honest.
If the election was fair and free... they wouldn't be working so hard to keep all the data locked away... they would open the books for inspection IF the election was fair and free.
By not being willing to do this, we know.... just like the mafia . . . something is skrewy in St Louie to quote the great Cartoon Philosopher Bugs Bunny.
You should look up the word
Clandestine and understand the CIA are masters at it.
Sidney Powell is smart enough to know the books are cooked against her and they offered to let her plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge which allows her to keep her law license and get on with her life...
In other words, they are scared of taking her to court due to not having a good case against her meaning they would have to lie and cheat to get a conviction... which could go wrong, so rather than chance it they convinced her to plead to a misdemeanor.
By using beatnik and/or ruffian linguistics you are attempting to sound more intelligent than you really are? Understood.
What'chu talkin 'bout Willus?