Wondered if you ever had friends that seemed like they are covetous (of you, or your possessions) and if so, how to deal with them.
They might not say I outright that they want such and such, but maybe drop plenty of hints.
On the other hand what about friends that constantly dangle things in front of you saying do you want this or that, when you havent even said you wanted anything and it might be things you already have. Im just finding a few things that are odd about someone and then after a visit I find I have a huge pile of things from them that I dont need!
But then maybe I do the same because, I've always been given free things that I cant keep so just end up giving them away.
give you an example, today I was given, a bottle of water, free lunch, and then I was asked if I wanted a cat. one of my neighbours is always me giving avocados and lemons, we end up with so many, that mum then passes them on to my cousins.
I had to say well I already have a cat.
and then theres all these free magazines and goodies the bookshop gives away. I give them away too. Sometimes I feel like a distribution centre, but then most of my jobs have been like that.
They might not say I outright that they want such and such, but maybe drop plenty of hints.
On the other hand what about friends that constantly dangle things in front of you saying do you want this or that, when you havent even said you wanted anything and it might be things you already have. Im just finding a few things that are odd about someone and then after a visit I find I have a huge pile of things from them that I dont need!
But then maybe I do the same because, I've always been given free things that I cant keep so just end up giving them away.
give you an example, today I was given, a bottle of water, free lunch, and then I was asked if I wanted a cat. one of my neighbours is always me giving avocados and lemons, we end up with so many, that mum then passes them on to my cousins.
I had to say well I already have a cat.
and then theres all these free magazines and goodies the bookshop gives away. I give them away too. Sometimes I feel like a distribution centre, but then most of my jobs have been like that.
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