I am not responding to this reply, as in some form of defense for, pjharrison, as if she needs defending. But, I shall, by means of my testimony, of just what happened, and was said to me? Be a witness, either to, for or against that which seems apparent, you are not understanding. Nor, are able in "letting go, and letting the Father!"
Several years ago, about 30+, to be exact, after I "walked away" from crack cocaine, and POing the devil to no end, resulting in more then 1 "frightful visions", the details of which, I shall not go into. And, after having an "event" happen, which, the "only" biblical way of describing it was an
visitation, of which I was told, that I was being "awarded" "acts attributable towards
righteousness", for my "walking away" from the crack pipe, on "WILL Alone!" And, that I was "just then" "Born FROM Above!" And, that "I'm HERE! and INSIDE You, and I'm NOT leaving!" "So, you best figure out some way of DEALING with it!" And, I said, "You're going to have
Drag me, screaming and kicking and scratching, EVERY INCH of the way!" To which:
"GOOD!!" "THAT'S the way I like 'em!" Was the response, He gave me!
Well?, As one might guess, It wasn't long before I enrolled myself into a home study course from Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago. That's in Illinois, U.S.of A., for those from across the pond, where protraits of our old govenors, can be seen on post office walls! (younger people won't understand, but older people will

....anyway) Cost me 500 bucks too!
It was while I was doing my 2nd lesson,
"Do you want "them" to teach you?" "Or, do you want ME to teach you?" Came into my head, Just as clear as if someone were sitting right across from me! But, of course there was no physical presence, to be seen! Yet,
THERE He was! And, I knew, well?....Thought, I knew, who it was! But, I was wrong! Well? MOSTLY wrong, anyway! T'was the
Spirit of GOD! Yeah! That
SAME "Spirit of GOD", written of in:
Genesis 6:3 (Complete Jewish Bible)
Adonai said, “My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years.”
BEST 500 bucks, I've "ever" blown! Changed my spiritual life
"From the Inside OUT!" "From the BOTTOM to the TOP!" "Is how JEHOVAH "builds" His Priests!"
So you wish to tell me that which I fail to understand?
You seem to be of an understanding that these
"BIZARRE Speculations", as you call them, are just some "wing nut jobs", blabbering incoherently, concerning matters of a "Spiritual Kingdom!" For one, they aren't "speculation." Neither, are they "bizarre." People like us, can only
try in our telling, that there are
indeed, missing dots, in your "connectings of." We can, by our telling, let people know they are
there, to
be connected. But, we can't
make, nor force one to
see 'em! This comes from
much spiritual sacrificing's, and circumcising of the heart! THIS, is something, one MUST DO, for oneself! It takes
"TOO MUCH OIL", As the parable of the 10 virgins, will attest to.