Wow what the. . .?!?! Talk about a load of holier than thou people here in this thread. Your too good and spiritual to try and redeem a day that is set aside to celebrate Jesus raising from the dead, the name Easter is just that a name, don't try and make it seem like your so amazing that you can't be tainted by something that was at some point a pagan holiday. I celebrate Easter as what it is to me a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb, a time to celebrate that the Lord loved us so much that He came down to earth to die for our sins and rose to conquer sin and death so that I could have life and spend eternity with Him.
world celebrates it. It is of the world and I will not be part of it. And yes, before you ask,
I don't do the Dec 25 festival either. The non-believing world KNOWS what easter is.
And they look at the Christian and they say, "Those hypocrites! They claim Jesus is the only way
and there is only one God yet they rush to show their religion is just another archaic pagan
religion." They see it. They know the score. ANd they do reject Christ because of what
they see. You may not think there is anything wrong with what you do, but you are not
your own, if you are saved. You represent the Lord and if anyone celebrates what the
non-believer knows to have roots in paganism, then Christians, who do engage in such activities, put a stumbling block in way of non-believers.