I have made this same sentiment time after time concerning King James being ruthless, and that his Bible was conducted based upon his own personal views. Ironically, those with access to the internet (where this particular site we are participating in comes from), has numerous scripture versions that many actually date just after the ascension of Christ. And for the better part, not much of it aligns with the kjv views at all.
The Essenes Bible, which is only 8 verses of discovered text, never speaks of Christ as a child and places Christ making His first appearance around age 30 (which king Herod was in rule then - and that actually coincides with historical fact - meaning the kjv of king Herod is off by more than 40 years).
And there are enough original documentations from the Aramaic and the Greek to reveal several inconsistencies with kjv. Most notably the conversation between Christ and His Disciples discussing the coming Holy Spirit. The kjv uses the word (he) 7 times, where the Aramaic uses the word (it). Now that does not seem like a big deal. But if you put it into context, it changes the meaning of the verse. And goes from Jesus calling the Holy Spirit (he), to calling it (it). And if king James dictated by his personal views, we can see it in this verse alone.
But nevertheless, the kjv Bible does give us enough truth to go by. And thankfully, we do have the Torah to ensure we are actually reading the correct version of the Old Testament. After all, in the Book of Isaiah, written 700 years before the language of Latin Vulgate was first used, we have the Latin Vulgate word "Lucifer" found within a Book written in 100% Hebrew. So clearly, king James was not the only tyrant shaping the Bible!!