God has given us our children. They are a blessing from Him.
I do understand not liking your children. There was a time I was devastated and utterly torn to the steams with my two daughters.
Children need our prayers, our grace, forgiveness and love. God teaches us many things in the Bible about parents and children. Like David and his son. Eli and his sons. So many others. God is a relational God, we were built for relationships.
Perhaps there are things in your heart God needs to heal in you. Perhaps the mirror you see is something that you need to address within your life. Parents are suppose to be an ambassador for God. Our children learn what a real father is - before we actually come to know our Heavenly Father.
Make an effort. Go for counseling. Put yourself out there. Won't wait your time. If God was like you, said I don't like this child - yet he wholeheartedly welcomes us into His family and calls us His children even when we mess up.
Would you be happy if your son went to hell for all eternity? Never seeing him again? Think about the ministry God has given you to be a man of God to your son? When my daughters turned to witchcraft, one was a practicing witch and both practicing the LGBTQ lifestyle - sure it broke my heart ❤️ but you know I wasn't the best Mother either. I made mistakes. I could have done things differently. I had to confess my sins to the Lord and I wept bitterly for my children to be delivered. I feared one day my oldest would be dead somewhere due to her drinking, drugs, playing with demonic witchcraft and so forth. God delivered both my daughters out. They both are on fire for Christ and have renounced all sinful lifestyles. Our relationship has been better than ever - once you allow God full control. Yes I too was supporting her financially. She was absolutely dumbfounded and couldn't understand why I would.
Sounds like you need to do the same brother. Don't waste time nickpicking, making excuses, finding reasons or issues. Being a parent isn't easy and it isn't for whimps. God has equipped you to be a Father. Go be one. God blesses us when we dont deserve it. He is a good Father and gives good gifts. Ask the Almighty Heavenly Father who loves us how to be that Father your child needs according to scripture [biblically] not based on man's interpretations, feelings, opinions, experiences and thoughts. God didn't bless you with children to simply cop out and throw it away. He gave you a task to do. Even if you don't see eye to eye - Can you really picture yourself standing infront of Jesus without your children with you? When he asks you why? Why didn't you extend the love of God to them? Why weren't you long suffering? Kind? Patient? Loving? Why? He came from your seed? You ultimately reject him? I think we should take a step back and truly pray that God would soften our hearts as parents and reveal the sinful issues in our lives that are allowing the enemy to corrupt the relationship of our children [because we have these expectations, desires and such with what we want it to be like]. You should desire your children to have an incredible relationship with God, the rest will follow. Anyone who isn't in communion with God [in fellowship with Christ as Savior] they are spiritually lost/astrayed. It's your duty to fight on your knees and make your children a priority to ensure they experience and witness God's love and truth in you.
I pray this will encourage, challenge and help some parents out there today. I had to come to the end of myself and until I faced my own issues I had to address with the Lord - He delivered my daughters completely. I wake up every day so incredibly grateful and never a day that goes by. It was such an miracle from His hands into our lives.