Yeah, I can see that I'm particularly open-minded about gay
people. Homosexuality is not healthy and it's not OK because the Bible says so. There is a difference between a person and their sin. To hate sin doesn't mean to hate people ... and I can't say I "hate" the sin of homosexuality because I don't feel that level of aversion to it ... but I do think it is parasitic. It's not OK ... so I hope that everyone here can be OK with me knowing that it's not OK without me feeling a violent level of aversion to it. "Hate" is a strong word. Hate is what I've felt in my life in other areas and I don't want to feel hatred ever again, but I won't deny that I'm capable of it. To be against something is all I'm OK with, but not hatred.
My kids will likely be adopted, if I ever give birth. That said, I want nothing to do with babies/kids. I have my own personal reasons for not liking kids. Do I want them to be gay? No, of course not. One reason is that they will be hated, but the other reason is that it's a parasitic way of life. Of course I don't condone homosexuality. At the same time, I won't fall prey to hatred either. That isn't helpful if you want to help a gay
person. Again, a person is a person and sin is sin.
Many types of people can be charismatic and intelligent. It doesn't mean that I should hate them.
I can't speak on whether or not someone can stop being gay. Christ can change any person's heart. There is no argument against that. All I'm saying is that since I have no personal experience as being a gay person, I can't speak towards that particular experience. Sex isn't even something I really like ... so while this thread may not even be for me ... it is about people who are gay and they exist in the lives of Christians as well. Will my uncle ever not be gay? I have no idea. Hopefully, if Christ puts it in my heart to pray for him to no longer be gay and turn to Christ, then it will reap positive results. Other than that, all I can say is that they are people and they should be seen as people and not their sin. Seeing someone as a person does not mean condoning their sin.
There is a small level of apathy that I have for sexuality because of the fact that I'm not inclined towards it, in any way shape or form, but I
do see how homosexuality afflicts people. It's unavoidable. It's a sin, and that's all there is to it. It's not OK.
Wow, I'm not violating His commandments? Hating sin is sometimes correlated with hating the sinner. A lot of Christians do this and it's sad. The OP mentioned hating gays (if I read it correctly). Hopefully me not hating someone who is gay doesn't suddenly make me less of a Christian.

. . . I mentioned having a gay uncle for the sake of bringing up how he's a person that God created in order to love, despite his sin. It doesn't automatically condone or erase his sin for him to be a creation of God. That's not what I'm eluding to. There are Christians who hate gays to hate gays and then there are Christians who either hate homosexuality or are against it. I don't go so far as to say I "hate" it. "Hate" is a powerful word. Unfortunately (???) I don't feel
that strongly. . . . I'm sorry?