Ha think English is hard, you should have a try at Yorkshire.
Allus - always
Cack handed - left handed or clumsy
Chuffed - pleased or excited
Chuffed to bits - very pleased or excited
Daft as a brush - term of endearment meaning stupid but said with effection
Faffing around - messing about
Flower/love/dear/petal - all terms of endearment or friendliness.
Gaffer - the boss
Gormless - stupid but more in a daft sense than an intellectual sense
Leg it - to run away as fast as you can
Ta - thanks

Allus - always
Cack handed - left handed or clumsy
Chuffed - pleased or excited
Chuffed to bits - very pleased or excited
Daft as a brush - term of endearment meaning stupid but said with effection
Faffing around - messing about
Flower/love/dear/petal - all terms of endearment or friendliness.
Gaffer - the boss
Gormless - stupid but more in a daft sense than an intellectual sense
Leg it - to run away as fast as you can
Ta - thanks