It’s only problematic if you assume the purpose of Scripture is to provide explanations of real-world phenomena in 21st-century scientific jargon. It isn’t. It was terminology understandable to the ancients. Yes, a few of them understood engineering, but the Bible was not written for engineers, ancient or modern, but for common folk to grasp.
Scientifically complex concepts are explained in simple terms but that doesn’t make them “lies” any more than saying a circle’s circumference is about three times its diameter is telling a lie. Consider the purpose and original context of Scripture rather than imposing on it some purpose for which it simply was not written.
Scientifically complex concepts are explained in simple terms but that doesn’t make them “lies” any more than saying a circle’s circumference is about three times its diameter is telling a lie. Consider the purpose and original context of Scripture rather than imposing on it some purpose for which it simply was not written.
2; I highly doubt we are anywhere nearly as well instructed in most things those common folk knew. So, this idea that the common people being unable to understand is nonsense. (Again, we teach this stuff to 3 year Olds. That is a simple as human minds get)
3; okay, ull give you that you didnt outright say it, but it is clearly implied. I did not lie about what you said. It is clearly implied in your comment that the ancients were all clearly too stupid to understand what we teach to 3 year olds.
this idea is stupid and you don't like that I called you out on it.
if you don't like what you said, and what it implies then change it. I will not apologize or repent for reading the context of your comments and calling out bad reasoning when I see it.
Also; these scriptures (according to common believe to most people today) would not have been available to those common folk because people generally believe that only scribes and intelligent people would have even had ready and able access to it, this means the scriptures, at least the entirety of the Old Testement would have been, specifically, written for the Intelligencia. So, your basic premise of the common folk needing to grasp these ideas is nonsense (people believe that the common people back then couldn't read.)
Now, not only do you clearly imply that not only were the common people too stupid to understand what God made but that the intelligencia of the ancients were clearly too stupid to understand it even if God had Deigned to explain it to them.
Now, worse then that, taking your post to its logical conclusion, you are implying that God Himself isn't even intelligent enough to explain what the basic operations of the cosmos is to the brilliant.
That is the implications of your comment. If you aren't happy with me reading your comment and replying and following implication, then don't post it, or at least follow your own logic. Don't just post something that doesn't make sense.
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